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April 13
1988 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 AM - clear -
beautiful day. Rosses woke us up at 9 AM-
Took 925 limo from Route 6 - to La Guardia for 12 Noon Delta Flight to Atlanta - plane not full - good trip - limo at Hartsfield airport to Stouffer Waverly - modern - nice people - Main Center Atrium - 14 stories high - dinner in Galleria - registered for Am. Hort. Soc. meeting

1989 - Thursday - 35° at 6:30. Fair -cold day - cloudy at noon - looked like rain - but only sprinkles at 5 pm. To Mass. Wes drove me to Greenhouse where I met Edith and Muriel to select plants for GCA meeting. My Rhododendron and Snowberry to go - Wes went to Reclamation - Bank - Birdfood & Peat at Youngs - Genovese - I worked at Greenhouse until noon - Helen drove home. After lunch we moved 3 Blueberries from outside to inside fence - taking Hostas to well area - just holed them in, as Wes had to move a lot of soil from shed area to Blueberry hole. 

1990 - Good Friday - 27° at 6:30- Fair - I worked at Greenhouse in the morning. Stopping for fertilizer and potatoes enroute home. Wes had started cleanup of North slope. He relocated two squirrels (total 12 now)
To 3 o'clock service in church. After we walked around checking wildflowers.
George Ventris and son worked in morning on well edifice. 

1991 - Saturday - 34° at 7 AM - cloudy - we hope for rain but forecast just says "chance".
I mailed the tax return from Backus Post office - also a $5,000 investment to Prudential for Franklin Conn. Tax Free Fund. Wes finished stone path in wildgarden - brought down dirt to fill holes & smooth grade. I transplanted Anemone Blonde to better spots, watered recent transplants, picked leaves from 2 more azalea on Wood Knoll and put Hollytone on them - that finishes Wood Knoll- 

1992 - Monday - 28° at 6 AM. Fair. Sun 6:20-7:34
Very breezy and cold, but sunny. Too cold for spring 
To Mass. Did crossword. Jim Redmond came & he & Wes got the garden pump going. Good to have water. We went shopping at S&S, Lunch, short nap. 
Wes had 2 pm appointment with Dr. Monroe - nose ok - come back in 6 months. I went to Pinchbeck - had no petroleum based spray for Myrtle Scale but bought spray for driveway weeds - pansies - dwarf Alberta Spruce which we planted in wall garden - moved shrub eaten by deer to front corner. Put more wire holders on South fence. 

April 14

1988 Thursday - in Atlanta - 55° in AM
AHS meeting - talks in AM - new weather zone map - Arizona Biosphere Experiment - Southern Plants for American Gardens - Versatile Perennials (Wayside) Box lunch at home of Mr & Mrs Roby Robinson - then bus tour of 4 gardens of private owners ending at home of Mr & Mrs William Epstein where reception was held in a beautiful garden - bus to hotel - we picked up sandwich & fruit at Deli in Atrium and ate in our room after a good Scotch.

1989 - Friday - 34° at 6AM - foggy - became a beautiful day - sunny. Cold in AM - milder PM. To Mass. 
Replanted Hostas taken from lower "Joe's Garden" around oak near well. Put Pine Bark nuggets outside fence where blueberries came from. Wes made drain at flower bed corner at gate. Turned garden pump on - watered all transplants. I put seedbags of Snapdragons out in sun, planted Saubolina along cliff path - planted parsley bought at greenhouse yesterday. Cut grass first time - mower started!

1990 - Holy Saturday - 34° at 7AM - fair and windy - cold.
Relocated 2 squirrels (14) cleaned downstairs - set up table - ironed tablecloth. Made chocolate walnut cake.
Dr. Jean Henley - Barbara Jones - Ruth Sunley came at 2 o'clock to look at Trailing Arbutus - walked about for an hour. Wes cleared up North Slope of leaves around bushes - put on fertilizer.

1991 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM - cloudy - cleared to not a bad day - cool - needed a jacket over sweater. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector. To Bleckwehl's at 11:30. Pete's birthday - his Mother & Father - Mary and Bill - were there - home at 1 pm for our martini in the Solar - Wes cooked [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] lamb chops on the grill. After a nap worked outdoors. Wes brought soil to Wild Garden new path - broke up stone along road outside fence - I picked leaves from Junipers on Southwest bank.
Bit is visiting Eileen.

1992 - Tuesday - 34° at 6 AM. Cloudy - became a beautiful day. To Mass. Wes went to Youngs for deer wire (3 rolls of green plastic for road front) rakes. I cleaned around shrubs in garden room. We transplanted one clump of Miscanthus Sinensis-Silberfeder - Cornus Kousa from well/shed path to east wood slope - (throwing away hemlock deer had ruined to obtain hole). Moved Coryopteris in Perennial border to edge of border - took Aquilegia from planting bed off Solar - put them on east side of Solar. Tired & stiff but a good day.