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April 19

1988 - Tuesday - 30° at 6:30 - Fair - but very cold - wore down jacket
I worked at Ballard Garden - first time this year - garden in fairly good shape - raked - weeded - thinned yarrow. Home at noon - Wes had worked on fence line above road - establishing new line. After lunch + nap, planted epimedium + trillium (Rocknoll Nursery) along well -shed path - Double Bloodroot (Siskiyou) along Bog Path. Wes took out stump + root of Crabapple from end of shade garden - John Hartcorn stopped by with neighbor "Joan". Early to bed.

1989 - Wednesday - 42° at 6 AM. Cloudy -  shower overnight cleared to a beautiful day. Cool - windy
Left house at 8:10 for Prudy's - took 8:48 train to Grand Central - on time - Dr. Wiedel on 109 E. 67th St - back to Grand Central - picked up sandwich + milk + cookie ate on 11:58 train - home at 1:45 - I prepared dinner - Wes took a nap. We cleaned the livingroom - I put seedlings in sun - outdoors to work for two hours - Trailing arbutus out - Wood Saxifrage - Iris pumila - lovely. Carolyn here at 7 for dinner - on diet for diabetes - good to see her.

1990 - Thursday - 30° at 6 AM. Clear - sunny - breezy. Cool in late afternoon. To Mass. Ventris men worked most of day - (George left early - death in family). put stakes on roof. I left at 10:30 for Tarrytown. Eileen drove to Dr. Howanitz for 11:30 appointments - Eileen ok. I have to start treatment for precancerous spots in Sept. Wes chipped leaves - machine gums up quickly as they are wet - he also stripped sod from extension of shade garden. I planted Dahlia seeds - the Garden Club project

1991 - Friday - 34° at 6 AM - Fair. To Mass Packed - last minute chores around house. Eileen came at 11:15. We had early lunch and went to Keeler Tavern for 1 PM departure to Baltimore - 6:30 arrival at Society Hill Government House - a restored inn with 18 rooms - no restaurant - by bus to Harbourside and dinner at Phillips - good meal but very crowded + noisy. Back to Inn - good to have bus transportation. Cold + cloudy.

1992. Easter Sunday. 42° at 6 AM. Fog. Cloudy. To 8 o'clock Mass. Lots of people and children.
Prepared house and dinner. Wes set up fire in livingroom. Eileen + Mary (no dogs) here at 11 o'clock. Pete Carolyn + Chelsea at twelve - Chelsea talking quite plainly and a lot. Pleasant holiday - heard about Carolyn's new job at Almost Family Adult Care, daycare, in Norwalk. All left by 4 PM. We cleaned up and rested

April 20

1988 - Wednesday - 30° at 6 AM - Fair but cold and windy - needed down jacket.
Wes went to Stop + Shop for bananas and a few groceries - left film for developing - reclamation - Dr Neligan for blood pressure (good) - a long wait there - home for lunch. I had planted Tiarella - Trillium along well/shed walk - did a wash - Took tomato seedlings from lights and put them in Solar. Planted [[Sidhiyon?]] plants in wall and step gardens - noticed alpine delphinium is coming up - thought it was lost last fall.

1989 - Thursday. 35° at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful + cool day. To Mass. Worked around place all day Didn't have to go anywhere. Wes started up the leaf chipper and did some of the leaves at the shed fence. I checked on transplants - hostas appearing at oak tree near well - bloodroot is out beautifully - so is trailing arbutus. Put seedlings in sun - lots of exercise in and out.

1990 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - rain at night. To Mass. Did a wash. Relocated 3 squirrels (20 in all) To Stop & Shop -; Waterworks to look for replacement shop sink - saw cat Barney there retrieving - To Marcus. Cut grass. Wes widened Joe's flower border. I transplanted seedlings - dug up more bleeding hearts for Garden Mart sale. To Punkie Scott's at 5:30 for cocktail - Sattlers - Hartcorns - Sandy and Tony Corcoran, Tracys - Mary Luke + Jack Stevenson there - home at eight.

1991 - Saturday in Baltimore - Complimentary breakfast at Society Hill Gov't House - Chocolate chip muffins! Showery and cool. Orientation tour by bus (ours) with a good guide - visited Mount Clare - Peabody Library and Mount Vernon Place (Geo. Washington Statue) back to Harbor for lunch at Stouffers - by bus to Peale Museum (paintings) Maryland Historical Society - wonderful furniture + paintings and guide - to 5:30 Mass at Basilica of Assumption of BVM - long walk back to Inn - Eileen + I went out for chicken soup.

1992 - Monday. 42° at 7 AM - Mist overnight - no sun for many days. Saw a glimpse of it in afternoon
Did crossword - washed tablecloth but didn't iron it as worked outdoors. Wayside delivered Cornus Constellation - not only leaves but a blossom - 3 1/2 feet. Put it in shade garden - moved out a white astilbe. Put Tradescantia Red Cloud in Joe's garden. Planted lettuce iron brought up in box off Solar. Put pansies in strawberry jar. Put new plastic wire on upper part of deer fence along road - took time