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April 25 

1988 - Monday - 50° at 7 AM with sun on it - beautiful day - windy - even so the black bugs are bad.
No word on Millicent Sattler's trouble - Mark spends time in hospital. 
Wes moved Eunonymous [[Euonymus]] from Piper area to bottom of north slope - cut out Juniper on top of big rock & brought down little spruce from nursery in its place. 
I washed  ironed - transplanted seedling Delphinium & other plants. Planted Dwarf Rose seedlings Muriel gave me - TINY!

1989 - Tuesday - 38° at 6 AM. Fair. Cloudy early morning - sunny about 11 AM - Wes opened solar window then. To Mass. Did crossword - Wes finished it. I picked up Helen & went to RGC meeting at Congregational Church on waste management. Won firsts for daffodil and white grape hyacinth. Home at 12:45 for lunch. Wes worked at fence area (shed) clearing underneath putting board ties to hold bark. I transplanted rest of crocus from roadside - firmed in Rhododendron - dug up Solomon Seal from Dell path - transplanted Aquilegia seedlings into individual pots.

1990 - Wednesday - 48° at 7:30 - Cloudy.  Rhododendron Carolina coming out. Rain - 1/2 inch - sun out at 3 pm. 
Did a work wash. I took 10:19 train from Purdys - met Eileen at Grand Central - lunch at Oyster Bar - shuttle to Times Square. Went thru Marriott Marquis - gaudy - bought tickets to 5/16 matinee of Piano Lesson - to 47th St. Theatre to see Lettuce & Lovage with Maggie Smith - wonderful.  Home at 7.
Wes worked in shop during rain. Folded up netting and fencing at entrance.  

1991 - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM. Fair - to be sunny & mild - very beautiful day. To Mass. Took 10:21 train from Purdys - (fare $4.50 each one way) clam chowder at Oyster Bar - Subway (good - rebuilding finished) to Bloomingdales, bought 2 shirts for Wes - belt and scarf for Mary's birthday - walked to Dr Wiedel - 109 E 67th Street - good report. This is my 30th year under her care - subway to Grand Central - bought yogurt - 2:47 train to Purdy's - home at 4:30. Unpacked Bluestone Perennials order - 3 Knaphill azaleas and 1 Stella D'Oro Hemerocallis. 

1992 - Saturday - 44° at 7 AM. Cloudy - some sprinkles. Cold - needed jackets & gloves. Did crossword - took wire covers from arborvitae and the dwarf pine at entrance. Rolled up wire and put it and all the stakes in crawl space. Fuchsia there looks alive. Wes brought down soil/peat mixture for hole where Rodgersia was. Also used compost. I trimmed some of deadwood from dwarf pine at driveway. Earthquake 6.9 in Northern Calif offshore.
Sun (none) 6:00-7:47

April 26

1988 - Tuesday - 32° at 6:15. Beautiful - chased four deer on North Slope - other side of fence thank God. 
I washed car - picked Narcissus and Anemone for Garden Club sweepstakes - transplanted Heuchera from Piper area to perennial garden. Wes worked on deer fence - putting in more posts over cliff. Garden Club meeting at Keeler Tavern for me - home at 5.  
Solar shade man here 2-4:30 - Wes worked with him - decided proposed shades no good - put back old ones.

1989 - Wednesday - 39° at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared  about eleven to sunny, warmer day. Wes edged grass on North slope - took out a lot of sod in front of bushes. I took leaf chips from well area - put them on wood knoll - cut gras. Took small plants from upper holding bed put them in step rock garden - only two Cardinal flowers left - took salt hay off too soon this year. In taking sod grass to compost - Wes took some logs to cliff and brought up leaf chips - a good system. 

1990 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful very warm day - over 80° - really too warm with no tree cover. To Mass - did crossword - Wes cleaned out Piper pool - took all day. I put plants out from Solar - trimmed juniper at entrance & outside fence - washed wood bench. To Youngs for birdseed - bananas (pretty green) @ 29¢/lb & few other things at Stop & Shop - bank - home for lunch - nap - cut off some Christmas fern leaves at Piper - cut grass - Ventries didn't come unfortunately. Opened sky lights. 

1991 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day. To Mass. Wes to bank & Youngs for bird food,  Hollytone planting soil - lime. I transplanted Bloodroot to join others under Hemlock. Moved 6 of the Astilbe Eileen gave us last year - Wes dug up red barberry from roadside and planted it off path to north top - I moved a lot of narcissi from azalea bed to daylily bed - cut off ferns. Wes drained out Freddy Pond, cleared it and put in the pump - good to see and hear it again. 

1992 - Sunday - 39° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Aftershock in California 6 points on scale. Damage but no deaths. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Phoned sisters. We paid bills. To McKeon's tag sale at 11:15 bought couple gifts. Wes cooked a lamb chop for dinner at noon. Read papers. Improvement in weather in afternoon. To Heidi Sweet's & Dick Fritz' house on George Washington (formerly Carney's) for a meeting of Ridgefield Homeowners Assoc. - met a lot of members from area - home at 6:45. Watched Henry V on Channel 13.