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May 5

1988 - Thursday - 48º at 6:30 - Cloudy - Very light rain off and on. 
I went to Dr. Yanity - had one filling repaired - $35.00 - prices are shocking! Wes transplanted two large-scale Leucothoe from bank behind shade garden to North Slope. We moved the Carlson's R. arborescens (azalea) opposite the Piper to North Slope - found its roots pot bound - watered everything well - Rearranged rest of Leucothoe on Bank behind Shade Garden. 

1989 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain predicted To Mass. Didn't do crossword until later in day as wanted to get out before rain. Tony Ongaro put concrete blocks under livingroom chimney. I finished planting Seskiyou order - Wes took out a big stone along cliff path where I planted clintonia borealis and Cyclamen. Rain started at 1:30 so we did crossword - fixed new hangers to Cape Cod wind chime and the twirlers. Raccoon came twice in afternoon to take the suet - he wouldn't run from Wes.

1990 - Saturday - 48° at 7 AM. Good to sleep late. Rain overnight - continued lightly in morning. 1 1/4 inches Cloudy rest of day. Did crossword - checked plant orders - all in but Seskiyou - Plants in Solar for the day. Picked up Alex and Helen at 4:30 and went to Jane Jessup's to watch the Derby - Unbridled won - not the favorite. Home at 4

1991 - Sunday. 42° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Put leaf chips on rhododendron garden. Picked up Helen Ross at 12:15 and drove to Silver Spring Club - guests of McKeons for luncheon (Ann & Bob DelRosa, Maria Shrady) on to Keeler Tavern for String Quartet - home at five thirty. I transplanted Miss Jeckyl Myrtle from under birdfeeder to perennial garden - moved new Blue Scabrosa forward in same garden. 100th Anniversary Celebration Carnegie Hall

1992 - Tuesday. 44° at 6:30. Cold - cloudy No Mass Father away. I took coffee & cookie to Ballard Garden - worked until 10:30 when rain started - planted pansies around sundial. Wes had Freddy Pool started - nice & clean. 
We took Leucapum vernum - branch of Rhododendron Carolinianum to Anne Tracy for the Litchfield House Show tomorrow.  The Carolinas - including the little ones almost in full bloom. 

May 6

1988 - Friday - 54° at 6:30 - Overslept, so had to rush breakfast before Mass - Raining - lightly most of day - half inch in gauge PM but we're not sure gauge on fencepost is accurate. Did a work wash - to Nabel's - saw Eileen there - bought Azaleas schlippenbachii and two Kozan - 2 Shooting Stars - 3 six-packs lettuce - lunch in Corenty Park Mamaroneck Ave - back to Nabels as we realized they overcharged us - bill adjusted - home for nap at 2 pm - walked around in light rain planning locations - planted 2 Kozans in "Well Garden"

1989 - Saturday - 59° at 6 AM - Very high winds & rain gusts. At 7:30 there was 1 3/4+ rain - loads of sticks down - dead tree uprooted behind shed - broke deer fence - Wes repaired it - cut up tree - cut off small trees that area. I did the wash - planted the Easter lilies in front of fence - cut out fern fronds on knoll - deadheaded Narcissus To Jane Jessup's at 4:30 to watch Derby - disappointed that Mr Phipps' horse didn't wein - Sunday Silence did. Home before seven for Wes' eye drops - Watched Mystery Game Match & Set.

1990 - Sunday - 44° at 6 AM. Clearing - became a beautiful day - fooled the weather prediction. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made muffins. deadheaded Narcissus & yellow violets. Wes put 2 bags of chips on compost path. To Library at 1:40 for dedication of Dayton Program Room - nice short ceremony so home at 2:45. Pete Carolyn & Chelsea (now crawling like a wiz) brought Pete's Mother & Father - Mary & Bill - to see the garden - left at 5.

1991. Monday. 50° at 6:30 - Light rain - heavier later - cancelled plan to repair sun dial at Ballard. To the Greenhouse advance sale of plants - bought White Nancy - couple Early Pik tomatoes, Salvia Victoria Wes took front wire fencing to Reclamation. We stopped at bank and went home as Wes was soaked with rain. Later went to Post office to mail check for ARGS raffle. liquor (Silverado wine) Marcus - About 2 inches rain - good.

1992 - Wednesday - Record cold day. 37°. To S&S early - good time to shop. Prepared window ledges for Vee Grenier & brother - windows washed 10:50 12:10 - usual good job. 
We cleaned leaves from right side of path to upper holding bed. Cut off deadheads of Narcissus - 115 of them around oak tree. cleaned up under cedar of Lebanon. Wes rearranged stones there. Wes waited for mole at 4 PM at birdfeeder bottom - never showed!