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May 15

1988- Sunday- 44° at 6AM- Fair beautiful day To 8 o'clock Mass. Carolyn went with me to see Eileen in morning - back here at 1:30 -
Wes worked on fence posts - set one with Sakcrete. 
Dogwood beautiful this year - even our old ones in Lower Garden at their tops. 
I trimmed - walked dogs

1989 - Monday - 52° at 6AM - Light shower - cleared to a good day. To Mass. Took donation plants to Greenhouse - also "Treasures’ - papers to Reclamation - bank. Stop & Shop. Wes fixed a tomato bed in Propagation area. I sorted plants grown from seed - take some to Ballard - give some away, plant some. Fixed up big pots at gate with plants bought at Greenhouse. Wright sprayed against gypsy worms. Raccoon stealing suet daily. Cut grass. Gizela came to discuss watering. 

1990 - Tuesday - 52° at 6AM Sunny & warm - a few sprinkles at noon - Surprise - clear again pm. To Mass I worked at Ballard in morning - left Wes slacks at tailor for new zipper & bought a fish basket and salmon to grill. Wes had dug around arborvitae, corner of garage, that was leaning - put in a stake and righted it. We went to Stop & Shop - for gasoline - bank - mall to get mats & napkins for Mary's birthday- home to cut grass - growing too well!

1991- Wednesday - 59° at 6AM - Fair. no great damage from last nights hail storm - tulip petals gone - only .18 in gauge but welcome. Borrowed trap from Vargas to try to catch groundhog who is eating Solomon Seals. Vargas leave today for Hungary. Wes to cleaners, bank & Marcus. Brought down soil to cover leaves in Wild Garden. We moved cecily herb there. I cut grass at Holding Bed Area - put wire around tomatoes to foil ground hog. Transplanted Dewdrops in Hemerocallis bed from Cimicifuga - hope they live.

1992 - Friday - 52° at 6AM. Cloudy. To Mass. Did a lot of shopping rounds - to Greenhouse to dig up the chestnut seedlings. Elizabeth Hull asked me to transplant - to Ridgefield Hardware to look at hose reels - bought Soap & Sachets at drugstore for Mary's birthday - to bank - to Bedunts for 2 bags of wood chips - had car washed - no birdfood at Youngs - left old telephone books at S&S = Cut grass as hope for rain

May 16

1988 - Monday - off and on cloudy - warm - Walked dogs. Tony Ongaro started stone wall behind shade garden. Wes cleaned pools - put in pumps - Frog pump doesn't work. I visited Eileen in Phelps Hospital - not going home tomorrow. "multiple breaks in shoulder” - will always be stiff - also knee according to doctor. Will change Eileen's future - I came home at 1:15 - lunch - nap - to Stop &Shop for talcum for Eileen - Bank - Muriel Pedersen to work on forms for plants going to GCA Annual  Meeting - Home at 5 to walk dogs. TV reception terrible.

1989 - Tuesday - 54° at 6AM - Raining - heavy most of day - 2 1/3 inches by day's end. Took Miniature rose and small plants to Greenhouse - rose for Zone II meeting. Muriel Petersen took plants - will plant later. Stopped at Bleckwehls's but Sally not there. Wes had gone to Mass - no outdoor work - cleaned upstairs - made bed for Eileen tomorrow - Washed hair - laid out clothes for Washington trip.

1990 - Wednesday - 56° at 6AM - Misting.
Washed hair and showered before breakfast - Matinee Day. 
Wes drove me to Purdy's for the 10:19 train - met Eileen at Grand Central - to Oyster Bar - couldn't eat in Saloon as they served full meal only at horrible prices - bus to Kerr Theatre for Piano Lesson - 5:39 train to Purdy's Wes there - home 7:15 - Wes had worked in shop - looked for stain for top of well edifice. Thunderstorm at night

1991 - Thursday - 54° at 6AM - Fair - very warm day. To Mass. Wright was here when we returned from Mass - did first summer spray. Wes cleaned Viburnam Path - put mulch on Daylily Bed. I went to bank and for a haircut. Wes cooked lamb chops at noon - had our dinner. I went with Joan Minot, Edith Meffley & Heidi Riggs to Aetna Bldg. Hartford - set up "Edge of Woods Garden" - home at 11:15 (Phoned Dr. Jacobs re tick which I got out of thigh - no problem)

1992 - Saturday - light rain & mist in morning. 1/2 inch by the time it stopped. Did crossword. Voted against the budget at Scotland School. Did a wash. Balanced the checkbook - I had added wrong so we had $200 more than we thought Took a walk to top area when rain stopped but too damp and cold to do much.