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May 23

1988 Monday 59° @ 6AM Cloudy + foggy - off + on sun - short thunderstorm in PM - very little rain
Tony Ongaro worked on well surround. Wes edged and trimmed all south beds,
I came home from Eileen's at noon - had
walked dogs - washed and ironed there -
Wes had a haircut at 9AM - Kelly picked up plants from driveway - enroute her home from Carolyn's - I had a haircut and planted couple tomatoes.

1989 - Tuesday - 54° at 6 AM - Fair - cool bright good sleeping. To Mass. Put leaf mulch on shade garden area - watched "Game Set + Match" episode we missed in Washington at 10 AM on Channel 13 - I met Muriel Pedersen at Ballard - worked 11:30/1:30 putting in annuals - shopped enroute home. Wes had finished mulching shade garden area - edged path to Wild Garden - put mulch on right side - we moved two of the Swamp Azaleas there to get them away from May Apple - I weeded step rook garden - getting everything in shape.

1990 - Wednesday - 46° at 6:45 - Sunny! Great Cool day - off and on clouds. I went to Pinchbeck at 9 - helped plant Main Street window boxes for an hour. Wes repaired Freddy pump so it doesnt spark too high. Wright Tree Mow sprayed - showed us Gypsy Moth  damage on driveway bush. Wes chipped leaves in wildgarden - a terrible job, so leaves clog chipper. I transplanted lettuce - had to throw out Santolina as winter killed so put lettuce there off Solar. To 7:30 Mass for Ascension

1991 - Thursday - 62° at 6 AM. Fair = some clouds in afternoon - breezy. To Mass. Did a wash. To Penney's for cap + underwear + socks for Wes - underwear for me. To Stop + Shop - prices very high - red apples $1.19/lb, yellow peppers $3.99/lb. - gasoline for car - cut South grass and along road. Pruned lilac and euonymus at mailbox - watered pot plants - [[brud?]] drying everything - glad watered yesterday afternoon.

1992. Saturday - Very warm day - up to 90° here. Wes went to Youngs for 2 bags of sunflower hearts We refilled the lug feeder - changing the separator plates. hope it works better. We brought leaf chips to lower part of Joe's Garden where I had transplanted yesterday. Wes put fan in Solar. We brought down rest of deck furniture and had our cocktail out there - a nice breeze came up

May 24

1988 - Tuesday - 62° at 6 AM - Clear + breezy - cooler than yesterday. 
Tony Ongaro finished well enclosure - releveled the terrace stones off Solar. 
Wes edged big Hemlock between Rhodo. & Shade Gardens - brought wood chips for it. He helped me transplant Camassia - ferns to Shade Garden - cultivated there - moved striped grass plants to upper road - Eileen managing - Dominican Sisters of Poor gave bath - "Al" worked 2 hours on Grounds. 

1989 - Wednesday - 54° at 6 AM - Foggy - mist - had a thunderstorm in night - 1 1/4 inches at 7 AM - rain most of day - 1 3/4 at gate closing time. We went to Stop & Shop. Genovese - Liquor - via Route 7 to Marcus and bank - no outdoor work unfortunately with our Garden tour on Saturday! Did plant Impatiens and repotted Fuchsia bought at Stop & Shop. Washed - ironed, etc.

1990 - Thursday (Ascension) 52° at 6:30 - Fair - mostly beautiful day - some cloudiness with beautiful clouds. I worked at Ballard, taking the snapdragons to plant - home at 12:30. Standard Oil Man Cleaned the boiler. Wes took last fall's leaves - remaining pile in wildgarden and put some to make planting bed for Lobelia - rest threw over cliff. I went to bank & Stop & Shop - bought a Fuschia (purple & red) for $12.99 - at least a beautiful plant. Red Billed Woodpeckers - male & 2 females. at the suet often.

1991. Friday - 56° at 6 AM - Foggy - I discovered a tick in my armpit! After a cool morning, became warm & humid - thunderstorms predicted but none here. To Mass. Helen Ross told us her house has been sold - we are to keep it secret until papers are signed To Dr Sandler - both of us had eyes examined - Wes goes back in 4 months - a year for me. To Muriel Pedersen's she took us to Westmoreland recreation area to see the Doubleday pergola - a wonderful iron structure, Worked on place in PM. To Punkie Scotts for dinner. Paul & Carolyn [[strikethrough]] Fredericks [[/strikethrough]] Roderick - Tracys - Jane Jessup - Mark Sattler -

1992. Sunday - 55° at 6 AM. Fair - not to be as warm and maybe a shower - we need rain. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes tried to put on kitchen screen to deck - foundation not level so screen doesnt track. Put water on piper area. Phoned Joan & Hooker - Joan fell Friday, hurt her chest. To Eileen's at 10:45 - Bit visiting her after a trip to Niel - pleasant visit - good dinner Temperature dropped dramatically in a high wind Home at 4 pm. I cut grass - finished just as rain started