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May 25

1988 - Wednesday - 52° at 6 AM - Raining - most of the day - one inch at noon. To Mass. Burner cleaned by Std. lons. - recommended new stack I picked up 2 Balls mix at Greenhouse - To Young's for miracle grow for Eileen - holders for plastic basin for her - Shell Shakers for her birthday - Stop + Shop for groceries. Home - lunch - nap - washed - ironed - made Tavern Bars - forgot baking soda! - made David's cookies Caught up on newspapers. 

1989 - Thursday. 55° at 6 AM - Fair - only a trace more rain in gauge. Beautiful day - warm. Wes edged paths on Wood Knoll and well area Put leaf mulch on half of perennial garden and well area. Raccoon went into open garage - dumped over garbage barrell - got into bird food barrel for a feast before Wes chased him. I went on NY Botanical Garden tour of Ted Nierenbug (25 acres Armonk) Mrs. Henrietta Suhr's Rocky Hut and Ray Goldsby - beautiful rhododendron + Azaleas in back Home at 5:15, did a few garden chores in evening. 

1990 - Friday - 45° at 6 AM - Beautiful day - To Mass. Worked around place. Wes finished moving leaves from wildflower area - put them along extension of Lobelia bed/Primula - will compost in place and later cover with soil - I planted the 10 Lobelia Cardinalis bought from Bluestones - put the Dwarf Dahlia plants below terrace wall - we moved Hostas in shade garden area a Cimicifugas growing into their space. Watered tomato plants Tired but feel accomplished a lot. 

1991 - Saturday. 70° at 7 AM - Sunny hot + humid - not May weather. No thunderstorms darn. Watered what we could - everything wilting - Trimmed pine tree on Wood Knoll and the mug ho there. Planted beans - we raised bed - North end - Wes cut the grass there - very dusty. Ate dinner on deck - also had our breakfast there.  

1992 - Monday. Memorial Day Holiday - 42° - Cloudy needed electric blanket last night - Cold and not a good outdoor working day. To S+S early. bought NY Times there as it wasn't delivered at home - still trouble with deliveries strike - Marcus for milk. Did a wash - Finished  crossword - hard for a Monday. Early lunch - To Westport June Arts Theatre - saw Howard's End Marvelous movie - home at 4:15. raked fresh dropping from driveway - picked leaves from spruce. 

May 26

1988 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - Carl Jeaher offered to buy Texaco for $60 a share - Wall Street didn't believe him as stock only went to 50. Put in some plants I raised from seed. Packed food + over night clothes - left for Tarrytown in Eileen's car at 10:45 - picked up sandwiches at Deli - To Eileen's - had lunch - nap - washed Eileen's back + arm - Andy Waddell drove to Dr. Bursk on North Broadway for 3 PM appointment - No xrays - do exercises - come back in 2 weeks - back to Eileen's - did wash - ironed - had dinner - watched "Mystery" - walked dogs - bed.

1989 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - off and on clouds but mostly sunny - shower at 4 pm in this area only. To Mass. Worked getting place ready for garden tour tomorrow. Wes weeded paths - brought leaf mulch to perennial garden.I cut grass before lunch. Finished planting seedlings groun - put them in front of stone terrace to Belle Newell's at 5:30 - farewell party for Cathy Ryan moving to Florida

1990 - Saturday - 50° at 6:30 - Cloudy - very few light sprinkles (NYC + Tarrytown had rain) Cut grass before sprinkles - first time outside fence + that needs hand weeding Wes brought more piat/compost to wildgarden - moved a couple primula there - planted some Lobelia Illumination - moved Astilbe from back of shade garden to Joe's garden - to Tracys at 5:30 for cocktail party - lots of people. Home at 7:15 for a soup supper. 

1991. Sunday - 65° at 6 AM - Better temperature and humidity - but no rain. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Bought strawberries and grapes for lunch as Eileen coming for lunch - made curried checker salad. We walked about garden - had lunch in Solar go too sunny on deck. Took a nap after Eileen left - watered perennial garden - cut south grass. Had telephoned girls in morning - all well.

1992 - Tuesday. 40° at 6 AM. Sun up - Cold day - clouds in afternoon and light shower at four - not measurable. To Mass. I went with Muriel Pedersen to transfer of Weir Farm (Historic Site)to National Parks Dept. Home at noon for lunch with Wes who had turned Compost Box No 1 to No 2 in afternoon I went to Garden Club meeting at Vera Nelligans at 2 pm - John King spoke on Old Fashioned Roses - interesting comments on propagation - the same method we use. My transfer to Associate from Active Membership was announced.