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May 29 

1988 - Sunday - 56° at 6 AM - Beautiful morning. Eileen's white Azalea and Lavender Rhododendron out - Warm day. To 8 o'clock Mass. To Eileen's at 9:30 - Took her shopping at Grand Union - washed her back - did a little washing (drying - she had washed clothes)
planted geraniums - moved some pansies - admired dogs who had been trimmed - Wes cooked steaks had dinner - washed dishes - home at 5 pm - 
Watered a few plants - walked about - cooler here 

1989 - Monday - Decoration Day. 46° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day. No mass. Father away. Very relaxing day for us. Cut the spent blossoms from one Rhododendron Carolinum - took us an hour - Wes trimmed top of hemlock around Garden Room. I moved Miscanthus grass from Wood Knoll slope to perennial garden in front of large allium - moved other plants to do it. Luncheon on deck. To Tempanelli’s at 6:30 for dinner. 

1990 - Tuesday - 52° at 6 AM - cloudy - N.Y. Botanical Garden Course on Shrubs - turned out to be on Perennial Foliage as too much rain to go out in the Garden. Left at 8. - picked up Eileen - loads of traffic and horrendous rain. Our own sandwich lunch - course over at 2:30 - at Eileen's picked up the Astilbe she was giving us and a quart of honey from Jean & Sue. Glad to be home as rain & traffic terrible - car aquaplaned on Parkway - scary.

1991. Wednesday - 70° at 7 AM. Beautiful - forecast is for less humidity - no such luck - except for early AM was hot & humid. Wes went for a haircut (not open) Marcus, bank, Colonial Opticians to have contact lens polished - visited Howard Castle in Danbury Hospital -cancer of pancreas - very weak. I cut all grass, deadheaded, planted Dahlia seeds for Zone II meeting in September - Trimmed grass edges - Vee Grenier & brother Bob washed windows - $145.00 - probably it will rain

1992 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM. Fair - good day - sun warm - ground very dry. To Mass Shopped S & S - gasoline $1.49/gal. on credit card - 5¢ less for cash - Marcus. Edged grass. Wes moved wood chips to vegetable fin surround to keep weeds down. I brought up leaf chips to Joe's garden. Planted most of the Salvia Victoria and Snapdragons I had raised. Gave half of them to Ballard Garden last Thursday. 

May 30

1988 - Monday. Decoration Day Holiday - 57° at 6:30 Fair - Hazy. 
Brought out rest of deck furniture - made seating group at North end - swept loads of maple drippings - Washed bird feeders - only new low-entrance one out. 
Edged and cultivated well garden - laid out paths - cut out stump there - all this by Wes naturally - stump took all afternoon. I watered - moved a couple Heuchera forward in perennial garden - improving soil - planted last of Impatiens - repotted Ranging Jade. Cocktail on deck. 

1989. Tuesday - 56° at 6 AM - Fair morning - sprinkle at 1 pm - cloudy PM. 
I worked at Ballard Garden - bought Begonia at Pinchbeck for Cornus Kousas - Muriel sprayed Azaleas and Lupines - shopped for groceries enroute home. Wes had cut deadheads from second Carolina Rhododendron. Grass dried enough after lunch to cut - trimmed. 
Wes climbed up beech at driveway. 

1990 - Wednesday - 50° at 7 AM - Cloudy & windy - over an inch in gauge - two inches. Shopped at Stop & Shop - gasoline for car. Picked up Alex and Helen and out to Hartcorn’s for lunch - admired their barn and shed. Home at 3:45. Planted the 5 Astilbe Eileen gave us yesterday - put them on South slope Wes recently cleared. Cut grass

1991. Thursday - 65° at 6 AM - Hot & Humid - thunderstorm at 5 pm. 
To Mass. I worked at Ballard - meeting Muriel at Pinchbeck's to buy Impatiens and Begonias - Stopped for bananas enroute home. Wes had put leaf mulch on front walk bank and at shade garden. Finished that after lunch and staked aquilegia and other plants Groundhog ate the butterfly weed. Darn him. 
Vargas returned late in evening from Hungary. 

1992 - Saturday - 48° at 7 AM. Sun coming thru fog. Beautiful morning - cloudy in afternoon - sprinkles at 4:30. 
Wes worked outdoors - raking leaves from North slope. We had cleaned house. I set the table - picked flowers - aquilegia & bleeding hearts for table - lilacs for big vase - cooked for tomorrow 
Sanctions against Yugoslavia voted by UN - hope it stops the Serbs fighting.