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May 31

1988 - Tuesday - 58° at 5:30 - Report says H-H-H. - it was a bit breezy in late afternoon & evening.
I worked at Ballard in morning - small crew - lots to do. Picked up Laurel to plant for next year's Zone meeting and Viburnum Juddii as exchange plant from GCA. Wes worked on edging of well garden area - Wrights came to spray - Howard Castle came to fix Freddy Frog pump Wes turned over compost - brought some and peat to Low Garden and planted Cardinal Flowers. 

1989 - Wednesday - 66° at 6 AM - Muggy. cloudy. Very humid & warm in morning - not working weather Better in late afternoon. 
To Pharmacy. Bank to put in Polaris certificate - Marcus. Moved buttercup & Wood daisy to wild flower bed near well - 3 clumps of epimedium to join others well to shed path. 
Carol Stoddard brought tissue culture lilac and Heuchera for me to raise (lost both)

1990 - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM - clear - Sunny beautiful day. Muriel Pedersen picked me up and we went to the Zone II Annual Meeting in Middletown, CT. Speaker Pierre Bennerup of Sunny Border Nurseries - on Perennials Bought Pink Forget-me-not - Pink Ajuga - Veronica Icicle - white Heuchera - saw two gardens - Home at 4 pm. Won first for Lobelia Illumination. Wes had gone to Reclamation - Liquor - mower gasoline - bought mole trap - left pants at tailor - Put stepping stones in Dolls-Eye Garden - 

1991 - Friday - 69° at 6 AM. Foggy - hot and humid day. Thunder about 3 pm but only a trace of rain here (Yesterday's thunderstorm 75/100) 
To Mass. Set up TR. To liquor store & bank & Stop & Shop - slow going loads of people. After lunch deadheaded - Gizella came to see gardens. I made desserts for tomorrow's dinner. Wes wrote to Little Engines on mistakes in his parts order. 

1992 - Sunday - 58° at 6 AM. Raining lightly - heavy at times during day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for visit of Eileen, Mary and the Coggeshalls John seemed very frail and a bit confused - he doesn't drive the car anymore. They left about 4 o'clock. We cleaned up - Wes took a nap - I read the papers. 

June 1 

1988 - Wednesday - 60° at 6 AM. Fair - warm day. light shower in afternoon. To Mass. 
I went with Punkie Scott to Bedford House & Garden Tour - 5 great houses - lunch at Bedford Country Club. Home at 4 pm. Wes took his clothes to cleaner - to bank - rest of day worked on well area - stored deer cover baskets in crawlspace. 

1989 - Thursday - 64° at 6 AM. Foggy. damp. very humid - thunderstorm during Mass - not much rain - another storm after dinner 
I went to the Mall for a haircut - shopped Waldbaums following. Wes transplanted more wild geraniums & blue eyed grass into his wildflower patch. We put wire on tree on Wood Knoll for new clematis. - trimmed beech at driveway - finished planting begonias - lost long handed scissors somewhere on grounds. 

1990 - Friday - 54° at 6 AM. Fair - Beautiful warm sunny day. To Mass. To Caldor - looking for Herb Pots - only two poor ones - Wes shopped Stop & Shop - no bananas - to Greenwich - stopped at Bedford Nursery & Mr Bridge - latter has possible pots - Picked up Urn at Riverside - home via Stamford - to Pound Ridge Nursery - no pots but bought grit to put under Phlox, Worked around place rest of afternoon - beautiful evening - cocktail in Solar admiring sun on garden room.

1991 - Saturday - 40° at 7 AM - Beautiful morning - hope for lower humidity - the afternoon and evening were beautiful - morning quite humid. Moved a snapping turtle from mailbox area to the pond - evidently was going to lay eggs. Prepared for visit of Coggeshalls and Midge and Bill Arnold - here at five. Walked about gardens - they were complimentary. Cocktails on deck - they left at 9:30. Jon looks more frail -  voice is weak. 

1992 - Monday - 58° at 7 AM. Cloudy - some light rain - mist - during day. Did a wash. No paper delivered - bought one at Squash's enroute to Wes' appointment with Dr Rosenthal, Podiatrist - also stopped at bank. Transplanted the tall white aquilegia from terrace garden to shade garden - also moved a variegated hosta there. Wes brought down sweet peat to fill the holes. He started cleaning cliff path of 8 weeds - loads in all paths. I went to Lord & Taylor - bought white shoes - sweatshirt for Chelsea. Had planted two Sprite Astilbe Eileen brought up (Nobels)

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate of page 79