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June 2

1988 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful Cool day - cold enough in the afternoon to wear sweater 
Wes took car to Honda for servicing 
Rosses brought their guests - 2 ladies from S. F. area - to walk our garden. 
Wes graded around well - put gravel around it and on path. I cultivated that area - moved the tiny Solomon Seal and Epimedium to path edge - moved New England Aster from forward position to rear near fence. 

1989 - Friday - 64° at 6 AM - Fair - mist over pond. 1/2 inch rain from last night's storm. 
Trimmed the Arborvitae Wes dug seven holes on North Slope - he will move rest of Laurel from Wood Knoll - those previously moved there are doing well. Others are winter wind burned. I cut grass. Deadheaded wall garden - moved two plants as crowding the Daphne. Found my scissors in compost - thank St. Anthony. Wes went to pharmacy for contact solution - gasoline - bank

1990 - Saturday - Forgot to look at temperature at six - 70° at 9 with sun on it. Supposed to be warm 
It was warm and humid. Except for "delivering a squirrel" (#25) and a chipmunk, was on the place all day. Wes moved Phlox Stolonifera from well area to new south slope. I cut grass, trimmed edges - weeded. We brought leaf mulch to Joe's garden. Put stone grit under Phlox in perennial garden - I made cookies & muffins. Wes cooked chicken - ate on deck

1991 - Sunday - 58° at 6 AM. Chilly night - had lots of leg cramps. Beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass Cut little trees (seedlings) from cliff off deck - Wes went down the path and pulled the Virginia creeper from the cliff - should be much better. Telephoned girls. Cut grass - put wire around tomato and bean raised beds. Place looked beautiful. Wes cooked lamb chops on grill. 

1992 - Tuesday. 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Supposed to clear - it did in the afternoon & a beautiful evening 
No Mass as I met Muriel Pedersen at 8 AM at Pinchbeck We bought Impatiens and Begonias for Ballard Garden & planted them. Only Anne Tracy joined. Staked some peonies. Wes continued clearing cliff walk. Wright did the summer spray. I cut the grass - very long. Tied up the tomatoes. Small rhododendron Lodestar in top holding bed has beautiful blossom

June 3

1988 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM - Cloudy - clear AM. cloudy PM - shower at night. To Mass. 
To Hollandia - bought Cornus Kousa - pine bark mulch - peat - yellow dwarf marigolds - 2 more pink geraniums - just reached home when they were delivered. Planted the Kousa over the May apple - the marigolds in various border places. Wes moved the Forsythia from under the Ironwood to inside the fence - decided to pull out most of the Hay-Scented Fern from the Piper area as too invasive

1989 - Saturday - 62° at 6 AM - Fair. Planted the tissue culture lilac for the Garden Club. Left at 10 o'clock for Stonecrop Nursery, Cold Spring, where ARGS was holding a gathering - walked about admiring gardens - had our lunch on porch - home at 2:15 - nap - out to plant some little plants in step garden bought at Cold Spring. Listed all in little black book. Next to last episode of "Game Set & Match" Mystery - still dont understand it. 

1990 - Sunday - 62° at 6 AM - Cloudy - muggy - off and on looked like rain - a shower at 10 pm. To 8 o'clock Mass. Shopped afterwards. Walked around place. Watered tomatoes and plants in holding beds - transplanted Astilbe and Hosta. Spread the pile of leaf mulch at the dolls-eye garden. I put the new Herbs (for Litchfield Sept. Show) in larger pots.

1991. Monday - 60° at 7 AM - Beautiful - good night's sleep. Beautiful day. Muriel Pedersen picked me up at 8 AM - drove to Claire's Nursery and bought plants for Ballard Garden - also 2 Sanguisorba Canadensis for us. Home at 11:30. Wes had gone for a haircut - Youngs for Peat & sand - gas for grill - gasoline for car - Marcus & bank. After lunch Wes started digging at well to extend water line to upper holding bed - I staked - sprayed for fungus - planted the Sanguisorba and Annual Pilosa.

1992 - Wednesday -  58° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful morning. I got up early - fixed the birdfeeders - did the ironing. Sun 5:26 - 8:23. Ran the dishwasher To Liquor Shop - S&S and Marcus. Weeded the azalea bed - the walk to the top steps - started the walk around the well house - weeded the hosta bed along the road fence. Andy Vill stopped by - he will put gravel on paths - spray veronica in lawn in fall - feed it then -