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June 4

1988 - Saturday. 48° at 5:30 - Up early as have to pick up cleaning before crowded. Cool day - almost cold - showers at times - heat on at dinnertime.
To cleaners at 8 and Stop + Shop. Youngs - bought hose and shelled birdfood. Home for a time then to East Ridge school to vote for town budget and against school budget - Rest of day worked on grounds between showers - put hooks around second garden well - Split Shasta Daisy behind Catment. Last of "Black Tower" - Adam Dalgleish mystery

1989 - Sunday - 62° at 6 AM. Shower overnight. Not wet under trees. Khomeini died. To 8 o'clock Mass. Beautiful breezy day. Planted Stone Crop Plants - Wes dug holes on North Slope for laurels. After lunch + nap to Eileen's to spend night. To [[Kiknit?]] Home + Gardens - Rockefeller Estate - magnificent home - art + gardens - Historic Hudson Valley benefit - back to Eileens to feed dogs. then took Eileen to [[Tappan?]] Hill for birthday dinner

1990 - Monday - 65° at 6 AM - Off and on cloudy - thought we'd have a storm many times but nothing. To Mass. Planted the Arisema sikokonum (Japanese Jack-in-the-Pulpit) in Wild Garden - put a fence around it Wes picked up Alex at twelve - we had lunch - he wouldn't take a nap - to Caldar Brookfield - no pots - bought a little notebook for Eileen's birthday - had an icecream cone at Marcus - delicious but sloppy - walked about our garden - took Alex home at five.

1991 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM - Shower overnight .25 - rain later in day made it to half inch. To Mass. To Ballard to plant the plants bought yesterday at Claire's. With Muriel made many transplants of existing material so glad of rain Home at noon. Wes had found pipe out of well - dug down 3 feet. In rain in afternoon I ironed and made muffins + cookies. Wes worked out [[?]] - for material to put a valve at well for upper waterline

1992 - Thursday - 58° at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful day. To Mass. We both went to Dr. Sandler for eye examination - both have to go back for field tests. Wes continued cleaning up the gravel paths - well area is all weeded. I transplanted the Lamium white Nancy forward along the well path to four others at Piper. Edged grass. cleaned pots Robin has nest in Limber Pine - think there are 3 nestbugs she is feeding

June 5

1988 - Sunday. 47° at 6 AM - Warm + breezy (cold early morning) To 8 o'clock Mass. To Eileen's at 10 AM - did a few house chores for her - to Tappan Hill Restaurant for lunch - to Rosedale where bought white Impatiens - 2 white Siberian Iris - Buddleia Home at 4:15 - nap - planted the Impatiens in shade garden - threw out lot of Myosotis and moved some to water course - High winds drying ground. 

1989 - Monday. At Eileen's - Partly cloudy Day. Wes left for home at 7:15 AM - Eileen + I went to NY Botanical Garden at 7:30 for garden tour of Leonard Buck Rock /Fern Garden. For Hill NJ, and Colonial Park Arboretum/Rudolf W. Vain der Goof Rose Garden. [[?]] Tarrytown at 6:30 Wes there - had walked dogs - he transplanted the six laurel remaining on Wood Knoll to North Slope. Eileen gave us dinner - we drove home arriving at 9:15 pm.

1990. Tuesday - 47° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden - Muriel away two weeks. Good crew. Bench (Virginia Everett Memorial) is now at back of garden. Home at noon. Wes had worked on [[well?]]/shed path - weeding it. He went to Dr Brook at 2:15 - had "horn" removed from top of head. Stoddards stopped by with Zone II plants - gave them to her. Won first for Lobelia Illumination, third for Solomon Seal. I cut north and holding bed grass

1991 - Wednesday - 52° at 7 AM - Peculiar day - it was alternately sunny and rainy - rained every time we went out to work - .70 in all. Wes to Eastern Pump for supplies for water line extension I did a wash. Took cuttings of five mature azaleas and planted them in propagation boxes. We took golf clubs and carts + needle point nets to Thrift Shop - bank - cheese shop. when couldn't work outside, went to Stop + Shop for the week's marketing.

1992 - Friday - 59° at 6 AM - cloudy - Rain, predicted - started at noon - heavy at times in afternoon. To Mass. I cut the grass, raising the mower. Moved Hosta and a small early daylily (in bloom!) in upper fence garden. Wes continued cleaning up path at well - loaded with grass and weeds. We moved Scilla from under a viburnum there. After lunch we went to S+S - no suet unfortunately - to William Sonoma for Ginger for Eileen's birthday - a shirt and cap at the Gap for me.