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June 6

1988 - Monday - 58° at 6 AM - Fair - windy- very high winds & low humidity dried plants - tops wilting. Wes ordered boards for upper fence - bought supplies to fix leaking kitchen faucet. Replaced window in livingroom. I planted Siberian Iris and Buddleia - moved False Anemone to well garden. Watered some wilting plants - covered transplants - with baskets. Wes regraded well area gravel where it was sinking - continued grubbing out grass inside fence. I put the Mt. Laurel cuttings in planting box.

1989 - Tuesday - 62° at 6AM - light shower over night mist part of morning. Heavier rain afternoon - almost an inch for the day. I worked at Ballard Garden - only Edith Miffley and Carol Stoddard - trimmed, staked, weeded. 
Wes [[strikethrough]] transplanted [[strikethrough]] dressed ground at all small laurel - filled open holes at viburnum path with compost. Voted against the revised school and town budget. Very late, long nap. I made muffins & cookies. We walked about grounds. Weeding and planning future  moves.

1990 - Wednesday - 49° at 6:30 - Beautiful day. To Stop & Shop for supplies - then to Jeanne Cook Travel to pick up Seattle tickets - Wes picked up mended (zipper) pants. Cut south grass.
Eileen came up at four with dogs.
Wes cooked chicken breasts on grill - very good.

1991 - Thursday - 52° at 6AM - Foggy, - cleared to a beautiful day - blue sky fleecy white clouds. To Mass. Left for Eileen's at 10. Walked about her garden, admiring and giving what advice we could. To "Windows on the Hudson," for lunch - in Tarrytown right along the water - wonderful view upriver & down to Manhattan - Eileen gave us rhododendron, foxglove & Scilla
Home at 3:30. I cut lawn - planted foxglove. After a nap Wes planted the rhododendron.

1992 - Saturday - Cloudy - everything very wet, 1 1/4 inches in gauge - thought it would be more - must have been more as Vargas measured 3 inches. Did crossword - put the small binoculars in a case for my trip. Found key for suitcase. To Grouper Cafe in Mt. Kisco & met Eileen there for a birthday luncheon. After a nap, Wes continued cleaning viburnum path. Saw a groundhog at Garden Room and later on our deck! Set up trap which something overturned before bedtime. Gizella says groundhog eats her plants.

June 7

1988 - Tuesday - 53° at 6AM - Fair beautiful day. Cloudy in evening but no rain. We need it.
I worked at Ballard with Charlotte Crosley - brought back Muriel Pedersen’s Bonesai to mind while they are on Cape.
Wes finished grubbing out grass from upper fence line and put wood chips on it. I did a lot of watering interesting to see transplanted Asters and Forsythia recover. 

1989 - Wednesday - 58° at 6AM - Sprinkles - Inch rain overall.
Wrote letters & did work. Martini at lunchtime - Nap - to mall - bought socks & 2 pair slacks for Wes at Wallachs - blousefor me there.
Had call from Eileen - in Phelps - another pancreas attack - to remain there until operation for gall bladder - we drove down to hospital - saw her - picked up keys for car & took that to Hendrick Lane - walked dogs - spent night

1990 - Thursday - Eileen with us. Very foggy. rain in night, but cleared luckily.
Eileen & I took bus from Congregational Church at 8AM - Garden club trip to Conservancy Garden. Central Park - Children's Zoo - luncheon at GCA Headquarters 57th & Madison - home at 5pm. Wes planted Astilbe Eileen gave us on South Slope - cleaned more of the area. To Dr. Brock at 3 to check on condition of "Horn" removal from head. Eileen spent night with us.

1991 - Friday - 52° at 6AM - Beautiful day. To Mass. Lots of people attending now-a-days.
I worked at Keeler Tavern Barn 9/11 setting up Horticulture arrangements of tables etc for flower show.
Wes had gone to Eastern Pump for supplies and worked on well line extension.
After lunch & nap we trimmed the limber pine and limbed up the oak and beech at driveway.
I dug one of new Cardinal flowers & potted it for New Canaan show.

1992 - Sunday - 64° at 6AM. Foggy - muggy. Someone overturned trap we fixed for the groundhog - it's too small - didn't see the groundhog - not lettuce either. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Telephoned sisters - Gus coming to Bit’s today - new job starts tomorrow. Joan & Hooker going to Maine & Nova Scotia in August. Wes now cleaning well to step garden path. I moved last of tall white Aquilegias from spot off Solar to shade garden - staked some plants
Very humid. Uncomfortable working - no thunderstorm