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June 8

1988 - Wednesday - 48° at 6AM - Fair morning clouds in afternoon - hope for rain 
No mass as Father away: Standard Oil man here to replace furnace stack - goo top but poor joint to furnace and dirty rug. Lumber for fence above barn gate delivered by Gregory Mill. I cut grass. Wes finished putting chips on north garden area. I dug up two Bleeding Hearts to take to Eileen tomorrow.

1989 Thursday - in Tarrytown - Eileen in Phelps. Wes left for Ridgefield - fixed up TR - to Dentist at 10 - has to return twice - Reclamation - bought bananas planted Eileen’s Gold Emerald Gaiety at Viburnum Path; moved laurel (small W.F.F.) from North Slope rocks to spot near shed -  put rhododendron in its place
I stopped at Eileen’s - took dogs to Stony Brook for grooming - visited Eileen at Phelps - did deadheading in her garden - picked up dogs at 3:45 - came home - walked about admiring Wes’ work. 1/2 inch rain

1990 - Friday - fair morning - cloudy pm and some rain late afternoon. Eileen & dogs left at 9 AM for home. We trimmed the hemlock around the garden room and the rhododendron behind the bench.
To Ridgebury Cemetery at 2 pm for burial of Micky Jelke’s ashes then to Billie Newell’s house for tea and cookies. Home to do crosswords missed in recent days as rain prevented our working outdoors.- (half inch)

1991 - Saturday - 56° at 6:30. Fair - beautiful - warm sun, drying breeze. Left at 8 for Hamden - Broken Arrow Nursery, Dr. Richard Jaynes (sat with him at ARGs White Plains) Laurel - Christmas trees - other shrubs. We bought a kaleidescope and Olympic Fire laurel and his book Kalmia. Home at noon after a stop for gasoline & milk. After lunch & nap planted the laurel on north-east slope - weeded there - many weeds still to come out! Planted Halesia gift plant in holding bed.

1992 - Monday - 65° at 6 AM. Muggy - to be HHH. It was very uncomfortable weather.
To S&S to look for suet - one package of fat - bought microwaveable soups & dinners. To Dr Yanity at 10:30 both had cleaning only. I cut the grass. Wes cooked soup in microwave for lunch - good practice. Raining. When got up from nap, I went to Prudential Bache to inquire about First Fidelity Bankers (annuity) taken over by Hartford Insurance Co.  .35 rain for the day
June 9
1988- Thursday - 54° at 6 AM-Cloudy - rain in morning - at least 1/2 inch - gauge is inaccurate-
Did house chores - cleaned up papers - early lunch. I left for Eileen's at noon - She had 2:15 appointment with Dr. George Beerak - took off arm sling - x ray of shoulder Needs more exercise on leg. Home at four after a stop at Joe Keller's to admire his garden. Wes put leaf chips on "Joe's garden" -Standard Oil had checked pipe connection to furnace. Cold evening

1989. Friday- 62° at 6 AM - Foggy - Misty -Dogs here- Eileen in Phelps - To Mass. 1/4 inch rain at 8 AM.
Left Basil plant at Muriel Pedersen - gas -bank - Stop & Shop - Blackwell's to leave money present for baby. Home for lunch & nap. Rain, heavy at times during afternoon -no outdoor activity except to walk dogs between showers. Phoned Eileen - no word on the operation yet - blood count for Pancreas still high

1990 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM- Cloudy - foggy - Rain and thunderstorm after 4 PM. 65/100.
Topsoil was delivered by Brookside nurseries - looks good. Added more wire to oak tree to support Clematis- Finished cutting candles of Limber Pine  Wes started stripping sod from walking path behind shade garden to raise level. I dug Mertensia Virginica Rain prevented replanting it on South Slope.

1991- Sunday - 60° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful warm day. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Wes wrote checks - phoned Mary.  Joan and Bit away so I made no telephone calls. Deadheaded - watered - To The Arch at 12:30- guests Tempanellis - Kellers - Billie Newell and Jane Jessup. Good time. Home at 3:30. Nap - then watered the perennial bed and garden room.

1992- Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM- Beautiful-everything looks fresh and clean. To Mass. I worked at Ballard in morning. only Nancy Callahan came- Muriel is in Russia. Bought paper at Squash's as ours wasn't delivered - bought peat, sand and perlite to make azalea cuttings. Wes cut grass at vegetable boxes -continued cleaning well/shed path. We replanted the Atlanticum Azalea and made a hole in a planting box for the Carolina which will go to Greenwich show the 17th.  Saw that the groundhog had eaten all the Radicchio in upper bed - we haven't seen him