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June 14

1988 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM - To be HHH - it was.It was 90° in afternoon. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning. Garden was beautiful - peonies - poppies - painted daisies out. Wes put boards on fence above road - North side. in afternoon painted them. I transplanted variegated Hostas into shade garden - breaking up big clumps - watered.

1989 - Wednesday - 56° at 5:30 - Up early to go with Muriel Pedersen to Greenwich to enter flower show. (1/2 inch rain in gauge at 7 AM) I returned home at 10. wrote letters. etc - Wes cut the grass. Transplanted wood anemone from well area to lower north slope. I left at 1:30 - visited Eileen at the hospital - IV tube out of arm - She had walked corridor - looked much better. I spent night at Tarrytown - Wes cooked his dinner in the microwave. Heavy rain at night

1990 - Thursday - 59° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain late afternoon. To Mass. Worked around place. We relocated 2 squirrels (Nos 29 + 30). I cut grass just before shower. To bank to deposit checks + get cash for trip. Cleaned livingroom + den + bedroom - for party tomorrow. I transplanted last of Illumination Lobelia into separate pots. Cut candles of one white pine, north side. (4/10 inch rain)

1991. Friday - 51° at 6 AM. Sunny. beautiful day. To Mass. Flower Show open to public. I worked in Boutique 10/11 bought a few things for birthdays. Home for lunch. Wes started backfilling trench now that he has water in both hydrants on North Ridge. Transplanted Norfolk Pine into bigger pot. Brought 3 Azalea Propagation boxes to light in shop. To Keeler Tavern Barn to pick up Horticulture entries - Blais for Rosemary Ruig + Clerodendron, HM for Miniature Roos + Bonica. 

1992 - Sunday - 64° at 6:15 - Sun up. Beautiful day - warm. To 8 o'clock Mass. Did deadheading and a little cultivation before Eileen came up at noon. We went to Chelsea's 2nd birthday party - all the Davis family there - home at 3:45 - Wes took a nap. I put water on perennial bed - deadheaded the Great Eastern Rhododendron at the Piper and the Rose Rhododendron under the Cornus Kousa - front Rhode Garden. 

June 15

1988 - Wednesday - 62° at 6 AM. HHH - very hot day dry wind. Wes went to Mass - I went with Louise McKeon to Litchfield to enter perennials etc. in their show - home at 10:30. Watered - washed pots in rain barrels. Wes worked on well area garden - cleaning up stones - brush etc - fell on path to shed - luckily didn't break a bone. I cut grass - Solar Shade man installed one shade - will look good - dinner on deck

1989. Thursday - Wes in Ridgefield - I was in Tarry Town with the dogs in the morning. Rain and mist all day. Eileen's rain gauge showed 3 1/2 inches rain accumulation. Visited Eileen in hospital and on to Ridgefield for lunch with Wes. He had gone to Mass - dentist - had upper teeth bonded - to bank. I made cookies - we walked dogs - thunderstorm after dinner - had to wait until it was over to walk dogs. Cold - put heat on. (at 8 pm 1/2 inch rain in gauge)

1990 - Friday. 58° at 6 aM. Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful day. especially the evening luckily. To Mass - Father going to Poland for three weeks. Made preparations for party - picked up shrimp and cheese at Stop + Shop - arranged deck - set up bar [[?]] Anne Francischini delivered beef fillet and vegetables at 4. 18 people including us, Sobols, Rosses, Tempanellis, Stoddards, Mary Luke, Billie Newell, Punkie Scott, Terry Keller, Jane Jessup and Howard Willets - here 5:30 to - (Sattlers also)

1991 - Saturday - 58° at 6 AM - Fair. I went out early To kill slugs on Marigolds - Very warm humid day Wes completed filling the water trench to north top - we used the water on the slope and holding beds. I cleaned house - made up beds for Kelly + Barbara. Eileen came up at 2 - We went to Black Wells at 3:30 - Chelsea's 2nd Birthday - Mary + Bill Blackwell, John + Terry Daves, + Edith were there. Home at 6 pm - Kelly + Barbara came at 8:30 - we went to [[Dhlip?]] to see Venus. Jupiter + the moon. 

1992 - Monday - 60° at 6 AM. Red Sun. These nights have been cool despite the warm days. Cut candles from Limber Pine. To S+S, bank + Marcus. Liz Montanari + Ginny Stasio came to pick up Siberian Iris. Lunch, nap. Wes started cutting back ivy at garden well - killed by deer and winter [[heaving?]]. I prepared Rhododendron Carolinianum and Lily to give to Anne Tracy tomorrow for Zone II show in Greenwich. Made Lasagna, muffins + cookies to leave for Wes during my trip