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June 18

1988 - Saturday - 58° at 6 AM - Foggy. cleared mid morning - lovely day. sun warm - cool breeze at evening - Texaco meeting had no results on Board election To McKeon's fold for two barrels of cow manure - loaded with worms - put it on open compost bin - used some to plant the Ecinacea. Wes watered North end. I made cookies - ironed - then watered perennial 
Wes put edging stones around Herb bed - put board on front edge of walk to North Grass.

1989 - Sunday. 64° at 6 AM - Fair - Walked dogs. No rain overnight - first time in ages! Lovely day. To 8 o'clock Mass. I left for Tarrytown at 9:15 - left dogs at Eileen's house - To Phelps Hospital - Eileen released about noon - doctor took out stitches before releasing her - drove home - dogs delighted to see her. Wes came down in afternoon - we cut Eileen's grass - Wes spent the night. 

1990 - Monday. 65° at 6:30 - Wes ill during night Feels better now. Made Pinkshell Azalea cuttings
Packed for trip to Seattle. Chores for leaving house. Eileen picked us up in afternoon after dropping off dogs at breeders in Pound Ridge. We spent night with her. 

1991 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM. Pleasant change in temperature. Good working weather in morning - More humid afternoon. To Mass. I worked at Ballad Garden 8:30/11:30 - Mrs Cerf visited the garden. Home for lunch + a short nap. Left at 1 pm for Muriel Pedersen’s - on to Waveny House New Canaan for Passers Meeting - home at 4
Wes had spent day weeding the top slope - beginning to look better - a big job, so many weeds Light rain started at five

1992 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM. Fair. Caught a Raccoon in trap. G + Eileen leave today for Denver. Wes drove me to Tarrytown - returned at 9:45. Wes' notes - Planted Carolina Rhododendron returned via Anne Tracy from Greenwich Show - Weeded roadside + triangle Garden. Mowed raised bed area. G + Eileen to LaGuardia - United flight cancelled account tornadoes Chicago Area - switched to Continental - after long delay put on 3:16 flight to Denver - plane had to return (tar) account one engine not starting - took off about 5 pm - Good flight - taxi to Brown Place Hotel - beautiful elegant - missed dinner at Country Club - we ate soup in hotel Ship Tavern. 

June 19

1988 - Sunday. 58° at 6 AM. Foggy. HHH again but cool at night. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
To Clare's Nursery. bought 3 Asclepias, 3 Coreopsis, small Snapdragons and Nerembergia - returned home via Putman Lake - not worth the detour. Planted all plants before lunch - afternoon Wes put up plant bracket bought at Clare's on tree at entrance to Garden Room - watered until quitting time

1989 - Monday - in Tarrytown - beautiful day - Wes went to Ridgefield after breakfast - he picked up Manure from Melinda Luke and turned over compost - a big load. I walked dogs etc. at Eileen's - shopped with her - she rented Huston's "Dead" VCR - 
Wes cooked a microwave dinner.

1990 - Tuesday - at Eileen’s overnight. Re's car service picked us up at 9:30 - White  Plains Airport - Northwest flight to Seattle with change at Detroit - took Gray Line Airport shuttle bus to Stouffer-Madison Hotel - registered at American Horticultural Society Annual Meeting. Dinner in Hotel - Prego Restaurant - room overlooked bay - interesting watching ferries. Good weather

1991 - Wednesday - 60° at 6 AM - Cloudy - light rain during night .37 - rain later brought it to .57 - not as much as other areas, but welcome.
Wes went to see Howard Castle in Danbury Hospital - very gaunt looking - to O + G for flagstone for new water line - gasoline for car - bank - Marcus. I put Hollytone on all Laurel and Rhododen - light feeding sprayed Arthene on ground under Rhododendron against Black Vine Weevil - prepared plants for New Canaan Show.

1992 - Friday - W's notes: Raccoon in trap - Tibor took to shop (total 4) Bought large Havahart trap. Rain 10 to noon .27 - weeded path to holding beds. Supper Lasagna. 
G in Denver - Am. Hort. Study Tour - Left Brown Palace at 8 for Golden, Colorado, tour of Coors Greenhouses and Brewery - to Golden Gate Canyon State Park just east of Continental Divide - picnic lunch - onto Central City "richest square mile on earth" - as gold discovered in 1859. Place now is a gambling town - Eileen + I - and others - rested in bus on mountain top. Dinner by ourselves in Brown Palace's Palace Arms - elegant dining