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June 26 

1988 - Sunday - 64° at 6AM - Hazy - looked like rain early - but none - clear afternoon - stiff breeze. 
To 8 o'clock Mass.
Left at 10 for Tarrytown - to Alters for bread - Grand Union for David’s cookies & bananas - Deli for sandwiches and salad - lunch with Eileen - she looks better - admired her new front door surround - home at 4 pm via Pocantico Hills - nap - watered - terrible to see everything so dry.

1989 - Monday- 68° at 6 AM - foggy- became sunny and warm - a thunderstorm at 7 pm.
To Mass - Wes went for a haircut.  shopped Waldbaums and Marcus. I worked on entries for Garden Club Show tomorrow - Cut grass late afternoon - picked flowers for the show. 
Electricity off 1 hour 20 minutes at dinner time. Had sandwich for supper.

1990 - Tuesday, - morning in Vancouver - left at 7:30 from Westin Bayshore for airport - slight mixup in flight as our plane had mechanical trouble but left at 10AM for Seattle - took Northwest flight at 1 pm for Kennedy - beautiful ride - loads of food - landed 9:10 pm - Re's Car Service there for ride to Eileen's where spent night

1991 - Wednesday - 68° at 7AM. to be H.H.H. - not too bad as there was a breeze - drying everything. 
Left cookies at Millicent Sattler's - she wasn't home. To Macy's where Wes bought work pants - to Penney's where I bought panties and bra - I had a haircut - short - to Stop & Shop. Watered various sections all day long. Wes continued weeding South Slope- I cut grass.
Eileen's floors being scraped and sanded

1992 - Friday - 56° at 7 AM - Clear. (W's notes) Papa Red Bellied & Chick came right into suet. Bait taken from trap but not tripped.
G at Spring Creek Resort, Jackson Hole - Breakfast at 7:30 -
Went on Snake River whitewater ride - 1 1/2/2 hrs - fun & very wet - lunch cooked by men of water company - trout - return to Resort - Bus to Teton Village - took tram car up mountain - storm came but luckily got down before it hit. Cookout had to be held indoors account weather.

June 27

1988- Monday - 58° at 6 AM - Beautiful - if you like it dry. 
Planted Poly-Pody on Big Rock at Well garden - planted Ivy Mary Luke gave us there also. For gasoline - picked up Thermos at Greenhouse - We bought Sacrete to put pipe in cliff for deer fence - liquor store & Stop & Shop. Home for lunch & nap. Wes moved big rock at Well garden and started changing path entrance of Viburnum path- I transplanted Partridge Berry from there & watered.

1989 - Tuesday - Sunny warm and very humid. Packed car with garden club entries - to Ceil Ruggles home at 8 - worked on Passing Committee and Asst. Judge until noon. Wes picked me up and we had lunch & nap. I went back to Ceil Ruggles - won First for Succulents and Myrtle Standard & Miniature Rose - [[crossed-out]] Second [[/crossed-out]] Third for [[crossed-out]]Heliopsis[[/crossed-out]] Stella d’Oro. HM for flower Basket, Bonica Rose & Heliopsis
Wes had worked all day on big rock area North Slope

1990 - Wednesday - Breakfast in Tarrytown - Eileen drove us home - here about 9:30 - she went to pick up dogs - We went to Stop & Shop and bank - spent rest of day working around place - very dry but in good shape. 
Hot and humid - We feel it after the cool good weather in Vancouver & Seattle - 

1991 - Thursday - 64° at 6 AM. HHH - To mass Wes set up TR. To Dr. Yanity at 9 AM - cleaning and trays - both have to go back week from tomorrow.  Watered the northeast slope and perennial garden and Garden Room rhododendron. Trimmed four hemlocks. No rain in sight - hot spell to continue. 
Justice Marshall retired from Supreme Court - too bad.

1992 - Saturday - 64° at 7am - Partly cloudy (W's note) Rain at night .45 - nice wetting. Nothing in trap - food gone. Lunch at Vargas. Cleaned kitchen and den. Rain at 3:30PM - .23.
G - leaving day from Jackson Hole - Breakfast at 7 AM. Shuttle bus to airport - plane to Salt Lake City (American) United from there to O'Hare - good transfer - United to White Plains - Arrived a bit early - car waiting - to Eileen's and on home - here at 9:45. Wes waiting.