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June 28

1988- Tuesday - 58° at 6:30 - Beautiful day dry - breezy - 
I picked white flowers and Hosta leaves for bridal arrangement - (won second at Garden Club). Also won the silver bowl for another year. Luncheon at Punkie Scott's before meeting at Louise McKeons. 
Wes finished steps to Viburnum path - look great - put leaf chips on Wood Knoll area - took big stone from front Pink Balloon azalea - watered Wood Knoll.

1989 - Wednesday - 72° at 7 AM - Muggy - cloudy - some sprinkles. cleared and cooler in evening.
Did a wash-  the crossword
Left about 10:15 for Essex-(Rte 84, Exit 27, Rte 691 thru Middletowne, South on Rte 9 to Exit 3 Essex) Texaco Retiree Luncheon at  Griswold Inn. Home at 4:30 - nap - relaxed in evening, reading piled up papers.
Phoned Blackwehl's - Chelsea doing ok - Kelly going home tomorrow.

1990- Thursday - hot and humid but not as bad as yesterday - Paid bills
Worked around place - Wes weeded Viburnum path - I dead headed - did a wash - cut grass in afternoon - watered some plants wilting in heat
Wes had 2:45 appointment with Dr Brooke - scab on head coming along - goes back in 3 weeks -
Wes' shoulder and arm painful with arthritis.

1991 - Friday - 68° at 6 AM. Sunny. Hot & Humid High 90. To Mass. Trimmed arborvitae using electric shears and two tall hemlocks along path to wildgarden using hand clippers. Glad to have that job over. Watered viburnum pots and some rhododendron - half of east slope.
Worked in wildgarden. Noticed the groundhog had a den dug under the wall. Need a gun. Put fan on for night when temperature outside went to 80

1992 - Sunday - 56° at 6 AM. Fair, G’s first morning back from Teton trip. Beautiful day - sunny & warm.  To 8 o'clock Mass. Shopped S&S following for fruit vegetables & milk.  Phoned sisters - Carolyn with Bit - looking for a teaching job - Pennsylvania area - Gus’ new job.
We walked about - amazing how lush everything became in 10 days. Did a little weeding - lots of them. Tied up tomatoes. Wes cooked lamb chops on grill.
Deadheaded daylilies
Two big earthquakes in California desert east of Los Angeles (7.4  & 6.5) one death - lots of injuries.

June 29

1988- Wednesday. 59° at 6AM - Cloudy. no rain last night as forecasted - few drops in the AM. Didn't prevent outdoor work.  I worked at Ballard in morning.  Shopping for cheese & supplies for tomorrow's party curonte home. Wes went to Mass - put leaf mulch on area beneath big north rock. cleaned up that area.  After lunch we put leaf mulch on beds off deck and watered - watered - watered.

1989 - Thursday - 60° at 6AM - Fair - beautiful day - cool morning. I went to Ballard Garden - met Muriel Pedersen there and planted tree peonies - two the gift of Cal Ruggles and Bobbie Longmere - three bought by Muriel at Rosedale we put two together to make a planting of four.
  We worked on area at big rock, north ledge - uncovering the ledge and placing big stones.  I deadheaded cut south grass. Had cocktail in garden room.

1990 - Friday - 64° at 7AM. Cloudy - cleared warm - humid - thunderstorm at 8PM - 1.35 inches. Good - needed badly.
  To dentist - both cleaning only - no cavities.
  Wes finished weeding viburnum path - spread leaf mulch there.  I put leaf mulch off terrace stone wall - picked lettuce for supper - first bed going to seed - transplanted Boltonia and one snapdragon late in day hoping for rain - and it came.

1991 - Saturday - 75° at 7AM. With fan on last night not bad sleeping. To be hot again - it was-terrible weather. To bank- liquor shop - Stop + Shop - bought a roasted chicken for dinner.  Did a wash.  Didn't feel much like going out in the heat so worked on crossword - Couldn't finish it.  Watered vegetable beds and upper east slope.  Also spot watered other shrubs.  Found another deer tick in armpit after shower. Eileen says her sanded and stained floors look beautiful - the dog back from the Kennel. 

1992 - Monday - 58° at 7AM. Fair - warm - beautiful Go to Dr Sandfer for eye field test - good said come back in six months.  Home to work in garden -staked [[?Oreencees]] to keep it from new Dogwood Constellation  Will have to move that forward.  Cut grass. Wes cut down two saplings at north top - grubbed out the roots. Continued weeding northeast slope. 
Supreme Court upheld most provisions of Pennsylvania abortion law but reaffirmed woman's right to an abortion
  Aftershocks continue in California
  Took in all birdfeeders account grackles