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June 30

1988 - Thursday - 48º at 6AM - Fair - Mist rising from pond. Party day for Rosses 56th Wedding Anniversary.  Cleaned house, arranged flowers. Black clouds at noon - we were sure the forecasted rain would come but nothing! Cleared and windy and very cool. Ann [[?]] here at 4 - guests about 5:30 - 23 people - good party. We took Alex & Helen to Chuck's steakhouse after 8pm - good fish too much for our appetites - Bed at 11.

1989 - Friday - 52º at 6AM - Fair - beautiful day - not a cloud in the sky - cool morning - warm in sun. To Mass. To Reclamation, Brunetti for Butterflied lamb - Gran Central.
Wes continued work on big rock - north bed - finally moved from the planting hole the huge rock - slid it down path. I cultivated veggie bed - pulled weeds & plants from gravel - planted couple rows of beans. Helped Wes. To Waccabue at 7pm as guests Elizabeth Hull for dinner - Timpanelli’s there also - Home about 10:30

1990 - Saturday - 40º at 7AM - Sunny - Good day - after rains - nice to know everything had a good drink. Plants knocked down by rain & wind -- did staking which should have been done before.
Fixed up entrance to Garden Room now that birdfeeders don't hang there. Saw male Red Bellied Woodpecker feeding a baby - no red on him at all. Brought up leaf chipper for garden room and perennial bed - Wes edged compost path. Late night thunderstorm – .65 inch.

1991 - Sunday. 67º at 6:30. Night was a little cooler. Off and on cloudy - possible thunderstorm predicted - but not here - cool East wind late afternoon.
To 8 o'clock Mass. I filled in for missing Lector.
Lazy morning - did more watering on Wood Knoll. Saw a big groundhog eating in front of huge rock - ran into hole under rock - we almost hit him with shovel.
Picked up Helen and went to Stoddards for cocktails and buffet - all garden club people. Very good party.

1992 - Tuesday. 64º at 6:15. Cloudy - rain predicted - closed all windows - no rain - few drops only. To Mass. Learned Jeremiah the Cat was no more. We will miss him. I worked at Ballard Garden - Muriel Pedersen ill - caught something on her trip to Russia. Wes finished weeding Northeast slope. I went to bank & Marcus - weeded and staked snapdragons. Too warm to work in sun. More evidence of groundhog eating - campanula stripped - but couldn't catch anything in trap.

July 1

1988 Friday - 49º at 6AM - beautiful morning clouds at noon - some drops - a shower at 5pm - short but welcome.
Cleaned up house after party. Moved furniture back - washed - ironed.
Wes moved rocks near big north rock - cut out a stump. I watched - awful to see everything wilted. Enjoyed our left-over sandwiches and wine at noon in the Solar. Cool night

1989 Saturday - 55º at 6AM - Fair, beautiful day. Warm sun, breezy, low humidity.
Wes worked on North big rock area - arranging stones refilling planting hole. I deadheaded rhododendrons, watered potted plants - weeded part of wall garden - cut north grass and along road. Watered tomatoes in upper holding bed - put leaf mulch on them. Made meatloaf & blueberry muffins. Phoned Joan & Hooker - OK - Chelsea Bleckwehl regained birth weight.

1990 - Sunday - 65º at 6:30 Cloudy - became sunny morning = cloudy late afternoon - few drops rain in evening. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes balanced checkbook, then worked on weeding wood knoll. I visited Kelly minding Chelsea while Bleckwehls are on Block Island - took her Seattle info for a possible trip with Barbara. I deadheaded after lunch staked lilies at driveway entrance - weeded well area with Wes. Saw Red Bellied baby again - this time the male didn't feed him or her.

1991 - Monday - 58º at 7AM - Beautiful - But too bad no rain: Cool, sunny and breezy.
Wes started clearing soil - roots - small stones from ledge on northeast slope - had to move Leucothoe as pocket for it not deep enough now. I watered garden room - shade garden - fence garden and perennials. Had cut South grass. North grass burned out & didn't need it. We went to bank and bought milk at Marcus.

1992 - Wednesday. 68º at 7AM. Muggy: no hoped for Thunderstorm.
Worked on compost path most of day.
Wes edged and moved some of lanium growing into path. I cut grass out of the hosta near the big rock - brought up leaf chips.
Started bringing this diary up-to-date copying Wes' notes and entering my trip notes 18th/27th
Paid real estate taxes & car tax.