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July 2

1988 - Saturday - 54º at 6:30 - Cloudy - became a beautiful breezy day - glad to have had that little rain last night but need much more.
Put leaf mulch on shade garden - re-edged around Dolls Eyes - Jewel Weed bed wilted. Put wood chips on half of bog path (Wes) cultivated and cut back wall garden plants - half done by quitting time. Wes cooked lamb chops - good.

1989 - Sunday - 64º at 6AM - Fair - beautiful day - warm - ground getting dry. To 8 o'clock Mass
Left for Eileen’s at 10 o'clock - stopped at White Plains Airport to check on long-term parking - Eileen gave us good roastbeef sandwich - admired dogs and her garden - home at 4pm - nap - planted two small hemlock Eileen gave us, as well as our own hemlock & spruce seedlings, in upper holding bed - forgot to bring home the bread Eileen bought for us. Dinner on deck.

1990 - Monday - 63 at 7 AM - Cloudy - became a beautiful day - cooler - breezy.
Wes planted lamium cut off from compost path and weeded the bed. We went for a handful and deadheaded and cut grass. Wes went to Dr. Jeffrey Monroe for growth near nose - took a biopsy - phone Thurs. We shopped Youngs for birdfood and Stop&Shop for fruit. Worked around place in afternoon - lots of weeds in gardens and paths.

1991 - Tuesday - 58º at 6AM. Cloudy - phone rang at 10:21 pm last night - announcing an "award" for us for something. Bad night. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning. Wes worked on Northeast slope.
Wright did the final spraying of the evergreens. Few drops rain when they finished, but no sod - Had watered some sections.

1992 - Thursday - 59º at 6AM. Partly cloudy - became a beautiful day. less humidity - sunny.
To Mass. Took Opossum caught in trap overnight to Hemlock Hills. Wes went for a haircut, liquor & the bank. Then we went to S & S - renewed Wes' eyedrops also. Limbed up the maple over the compost. After lunch Wes worked on South area - raking leaves - edging path. I watered North side of perennial Garden - cut grass - weeded front fence garden - moved 2 of new Asters to front of 'Autumn Joy' sedum. Phoned Kelly at Bleckwehl’s - she's minding Chelsea.

July 3

1988 - Sunday - 52º at 6AM - Fair - getting warmer
To 8 o'clock Mass.
Put bark mulch around Garden Room - 10 bags - took all morning - looks good. After lunch & nap - watered wood knoll and step garden -  weeding.
Put 7 little shrubs round oak as well - there were ones grown from cuttings last year.

1989 - Monday - 60º at 6AM - Fair - beautiful day - very warm sun - dry. To Mass. Quick trip to Eileen's to pick up bread forgotten yesterday. We went to bank & Marcus. I cut South grass. After lunch & nap, Wes weeded Myrtle out North side - also weeded path to shed. I deadheaded two Bakeri azalea - watered all rhododendron North of house. New leaves wilting in dry heat. Cooked butterflied leg lamb on grill - good.

1990 - Tuesday - 60º at 6AM: Sunny: beautiful day - I worked at Ballard in morning. Wes started weeding the cliff path. Limmed up the hemlock at triangle. In afternoon he brought up leaf chips to well area - started the wheelbarrowing of the topsoil to holding bed area. I deadheaded - brought leaf chips from wild garden area to perennial bed - cleaned up the chips from that area.

1991 - Wednesday - cool and damp - about 1/10 [[?]] rain during night - hope for much more, threatening during day but no rain.
To bank and Stop & Shop - very crowded account holiday tomorrow. Saw a tiny fawn off deck - chased it and it went under the fence at the cliff. Wes moved big stone on upper Northeast slope. I transplanted yellow lilies to day lily bed.

1992 - Friday - 53º at 6AM - Partly cloudy - celebration of July 4th - Banks closed but mail was delivered. To Mass.
Worked around place all day - edging weeding. Increasing cloudiness - sprinkles about 4 pm - light enough to continue moving Cleome - Feverfew - Snapdragons - quit before 5. Made muffins - good to use oven to warm kitchen as damp and cold.