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July 6

1988 - Wednesday - 60°at 6AM. H H H - Took train from Purdy's - the 9:23 had been changed to 9:48 - Wes' appointment with Dr. Espy at 11:30. To 33rd Street by subway - lunch at Charleston Gardens Altman's - bought sheets & pillowcases - to Morgan Library for the Beatrix Potter show - charming - 3:48 train to Purdy's - home at 5:30 - watered the rhododendron on North Slope - gin and tonic on deck.

1989 - Thursday - 64° at 6am - Foggy - muggy day. very warm afternoon - glad of the rain yesterday. I worked at Ballard in the morning - first time not in charge - a relief. Brought back 4 clumps of ribbon grass which we planted outside fence at upper gate. Wes had deadheaded third Bakeri azalea - we pruned the garden room rhododendrons a bit more - I cut south grass. We weeded along road above the mailbox. 

1990- Friday - 62° at 6:30 - What a change in temperature but no rain. To Stop & Shop - bank and Marcus. To Post Office for stamps where I discovered my drivers license had expired! To Motor Vehicle Bureau for renewal. Luckily no problem. Dr. Monroe phoned at noon - spot near Wes' nose is cancerous - will be removed at Danbury Hospital next Wednesday - We went to Dr. Monroe's office in Ridgefield for Wes to hear the procedure. No change in Alex condition. Wendy & husband there for the weekend. 

1991 - Saturday - cool morning - needed sweaters - became much warmer and humid in late afternoon. Did a wash. Couldn't finish the crossword. We worked on North top. Took out another stump. Moved Iris in wall garden to back position. Edged shade garden - removed four inches of grass. Cut grass late after it dried from last night's mist. Wes weeded outside fence - mailbox side. I did the lower side.

1992 - Monday - 60° at 7am. Cloudy 8/10 in gauge from thunderstorm. Cleared to a beautiful day. Did crossword - enjoyed the relaxed time. Wes worked on deer fence - put 4' green plastic wire starting on North road - bottom of fence to keep young out. Bought 3' zinc covered in afternoon to finish South part. I went to bank and S&S. Made pecan cookies for Wes and garden crew tomorrow  Cut grass. Cultivated last side of Garden Room - deadheaded Bakerii azalea there. Man never came to go over & estimate hemlock trees.    
July 7

1988 - Thursday - 64° at 6AM H H H -
To Mass - New schedule
Wes went for a haircut - took car to body shop repainting dent on hood caused by falling rake - bought stain for upper gate post. I went to Eileen's at 10:30 - discovered had left wallet home when buying gas - took Eileen to doctor at 1:15 - good report - took off leg splint - Shopped Grand Union - home at 4 to join Wes in watering - Very warm & humid

1989 - Friday - 68° at 6AM - Fair - some fog
Beautiful day - warm - 90° in afternoon
To Mass, Wes worked on south slope to dell. I went to Sylvia Barry's sale - nothing - on to Waldbaum. Worked in shade in afternoon it was so warm - on cliff near lamium - planted more beans - first rows are up.

1990 - Saturday - Beautiful day - sunny & warm
Worked around place - Wes finished farming over compost. I put two wheelbarrow loads of leaf chips on shade garden - need more. Wes weeded Step garden and path (East) to holding bed area. I cultivated the beds up there -

1991 - Sunday - 70° at 6AM - Foggy - humid
Terrible day - looked like a storm in morning but none - clear at night. To 8 o'clock Mass. To Stop & Shop for bananas. Marcus for milk - the motorcyclists are still there. Watered various places - especially where rhododendron are drooping. Moved Aquilegia in bin outside Solar - put one under wall at terrace - improved soil with compost and soil from North End. Wes brought leaf chips to cover the beds

1992 - Tuesday - 56° at 6AM - Fair. To Mass. 
I worked at Ballard Garden in morning - big crew as workshop on lily growing held at 10:30 - Muriel Peterson There - has to go to Boston tomorrow for checkup on Dick's detached retina operation.
Wes continued work on adding fencing to lower part of deer fence along road.
I deadheaded - added some leaf mulch to gardens