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July 16

1988 - Saturday - 68° at 6:15 - Very warm and humid day. To Youngs for vinyl fencing - Stop & Shop for groceries. Did a wash - ironed. Replaced sagging chicken wire section of fence on cliff with the vinyl fence - looks much better. Cut cliff grass - bog path - roadside and lawn where it needed it. Wes weeded shed/well path- I staked - Put wire cages around tomatoes in wall border - moved twirler closer to deck - hung windchime on northeast corner of house.

1989 - Sunday - 58° at 6am - Cloudy - Light rain started about 2pm - thru rest of day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for Eileen's visit here at noon - brought Georgia peaches & pumpernickel bread - bad news of Alters closing. It was Boo's 10th birthday. Eileen and I called on Bleckwehl’s - Chelsea doing well - admired changes in their house. Eileen left for home from there - I took a nap, joining Wes.

1990 - Monday. 72° at 6 am. to be H H H. I made oatmeal cookies to take to Ballard tomorrow before going to Mass. Day temperature is not too bad and a nice breeze. Quiet day - I deadheaded. To Joe Keller’s garden at 10 with Gizella - many beautiful plants. I trimmed grass edges - kept bird feeders filled. We had our cocktail and dinner on the deck.

1991 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 am. Fair - warm - dry wind. To mass. I worked at Ballard's in morning. Wes worked on big stump at north top and broke it free in afternoon. He watered veg and top slope. I went to Dr. Yanity at 2:30 for repair of filling that broke last evening. Luckily, no crown needed - at least yet. Cut south grass where it was needed - terrible mole runs. Picked first tomato - "Early Pik" - good looking.

1992 - Thursday - 64° at 6 am. Fair - 4 1/2 inches in gauge - and the rain holder has a break so during day water leaked out - only good for one inch now.
Paths washed out - big pile of gravel at shed - others the chips are eroded. Freddy Frog's pump full of water; it wouldn't start. Wes repaired it - I started on paths. I raked compost path - deadheaded and staked cut grass after lunch. Wes had gone at nine to Podiatrist - later we went to bank and stopped at Barnes & Noble - nice store - ordered book on Propagating. Watched Clinton and Gore speak at closing of Democratic Convention.

July 17

1988 - Sunday - 40° at 6:15 - Mostly clear - small shower last midnight - had to shut windows so house warm this morning - turned on fan - very warm and humid day - terrible weather continues. Worked around place for Thursday's garden tour - weeded paths and step garden - Wes edged wall off south terrace - I moved a couple daylilies to fence line north: To Beach Association meeting at noon - no decision made on whether to continue - need another meeting with all families

1989 - Monday - 58° at 6AM - Light rain. Cloudy day until 5 pm. To Mass: At least 1/2 inch rain in gauge - glad.
   To pharmacy for Wes' drops - Meekers - Safe Deposit & deposit at Union Trust Main Street  - Waldbaum - Marcus home for lunch & nap. Wes took Alex for a haircut & a walk thru the Mall - chocolate cookie $3.98 for two! I put Ballard garden file together to give Muriel. Deadheaded  - Wes limbed up trees in dell.   

1990. Tuesday - 65° at 6AM - Sun coming up red - Sunny hot & humid. I worked at Ballard in morning, shopping Stop&Shop enroute home.
Wes rested - only one day to go. Waited for Rural Water man supposed to change meter - never showed.
I deadheaded - Cut grass late in afternoon. Town oiled and put gravel on Bogus. 

1991 - Wednesday - 72° at 8AM. Forgot to look when we got up at 7AM. to be H H H - NYC to be 95°.
I spent the day watering one scabiosa after another.
Wes took the big stump and stones from its hole at north top to area outside fence - Had first BLT sandwich for lunch with our own tomato.

1992 - Friday - 62° at 6AM - Cloudy - looked like rain but none during day. To Mass. McKeons gave us beans.
Wes brought down soil to repair holes at Hosta just transplanted off south path to garden room. I brought up leaf chips for it. We weeded shrub area off north grass and covered it with leaf chips. Cut down clematis climbing fencing around big tree there. checked top holding bed area - Grouse's dog got in under fence - we must add wire there.