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July 20

1988 - Wednesday. 74° at 6:15. Heavy rain during night - one inch for last 24 hours. Muggy - more rain forecasted - rained lightly in AM. We were able to work outdoors in afternoon. Wes spread leaf mulch - has only one barrel left. I trimmed, deadheaded, picked up all daylilies late afternoon - I didn’t feel well - had virus during night, but better as day progressed. To bed early. Dukakis nominated at Democratic convention. 

1989 - Thursday - 62° at 6AM. Cloudy, light rain early day - cloudy midday - rain after 5pm. 
To Mass - Did a wash - called Cornell re house insurance Wes to bank and Marcus. 
Took Alex and Helen to lunch at Inn at Pound Ridge (former Emily Shaw's) - very attractive - good meal. 
Walked around North area - put pieces of moss on big rock - Soup for supper. I wrote Comments on Garden Club Show to send to Susy Ahean. 

1990 - Friday - 70° at 6AM. HHH. Bad day for heat and humidity. To Mass and on to Stop & Shop - did a lot of buying - found  Alpo Liver Snaps for Eileen's dogs - total bill over $73.00. Amazing how high prices are. Worked about place - limbed up the hemlock off the shade garden wall - deadheaded - weeded some of North Slope - pricked out some dwarf Aruncus & planted some on North Slope - others into pots. Cut grass late afternoon. 
Deck cool for cocktail!

1991 -Saturday - HHH - heat and drought continue - 94° here - Danbury 102°. 
Watered one section after another - thank God the well holds up. Picked another tomato and a good supply of beans - gave some to Gizella. Having our cocktail on deck these hot nights. Left fan on for sleeping.

1992 - Monday - 65° at 7AM - Fair - very warm day - very humid. Decided to trim hemlocks since hadn’t heard from Treescape - did five of them around garden room - at 3:30 Treescape phoned! Told them to come (for future need) 3 men - trimmed the rest of the hemlocks - took down limb of black birch (mirror tree) trimmed up big hemlock near shade garden. Agreed to have them back to lift & trim out various trees. We needed a shower. Had shopped S&S, bank, Marcus and gasoline in morning. Gas was $1.52/gal.

July 21 

1988 - Thursday - 70° at 6AM - Light rain - gloomy Garden Tour Day (Discovery Center) Were asked if we wanted to postpone but decided to go ahead - about 20 people here 10 to 11:50 - we think people admired the place - didn't rain during tour - glad to have it over - lovely nap - walked about - rolled up wire from former fence above mailbox - planned holding bed area (North area) Watched Dukakis acceptance speech.

1989 Friday - 64° at 6AM - Foggy - damp day mist at times but no rain. To Mass. 
To Eileen’s to pick up bread (Alters closing end of month alas) shopped at First National for bananas -  Nabels where we bought 3 azaleas - 2 Balsamae floreum and one Machado - Home for a bite and glass milk - nap Wright fed the trees - moved big stone from hole at top of North Rock - put it along path to top - Moss still looks very goos. Early to bed-

1990 - Saturday - 70° at 7AM & cloudy - hope for rain None here - very humid - mostly cloudy - some sun. 
Wes weeded [[strikethrough]] west [[/strikethrough]] south side of well/shed path - spread the leaf chips which were stored there & brought up two wheelbarrow loads. I deadheaded - brought chips to perennial garden by basket loads - moved the ornamental grass from under path light (being smothered) to edge of perennial garden.

1991 - Sunday - 74° at 6AM. Sun coming  up in red ball. HHH to continue - no rain. To 8 o'clock Mass. Marcus following for milk & sour cream to make coffee cake for Ballard work tomorrow - but luckily Muriel cancelled it. Paid real estate and car taxes. Wes couldn't balance checkbook. Used sprinkler on various sections, trying to keep plants from wilting. Took out stones from wall garden top and moved plants there before wall is built.

1992 - Tuesday - 69° at 6AM - Cloudy - muggy became sunny and humid - no rain as predicted. To Mass. I worked at Ballard - we planted Hostas bought at Claire's last week - Foundation for Pergola being installed - it will be a problem to the bench & [[Fring?]] tree. 
Wes cleared up outside fence gate to mailbox. 
I cut south and cliff grass. Swept garden room. 
We walked about discussing trees to be cut down and lifted if Treescape comes tomorrow.