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July 24

1988 - Sunday. 69° at 6 AM. Raining. Cleared at Mass time. I was Lector. Read papers for couple hours in morning. Wes balanced checkbook. I ironed. After lunch and nap, brought up 6 ferns - some small - from deer trail - planted them on North Slope. Moved a stone to better position at Patridgeberry patch. Moved a big Christmas Fern from left side of holding bed path to big rock on right side. Sun in late afternoon - saw moon at night.

1989 - Monday. 64° at 6 AM. Sun came up in red ball. Going to be HHH - it was. To Mass. To Stop & Shop. Genovese for NY Times (we stopped ours for a week.) To Reclamation - Wes dropped me at Greenhouse for Propagation Workshop. He had appointment with Dr. James - good blood pressure report. Returned for me - early lunch - finished lawn edging. Watered South rhododendrons and North moss and tomatoes - picked off all red ones - deadheaded everything well - sprayed fuchsia for fungus. Early to bed.

1990 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM. Cloudy but less humid. Off and on sun in afternoon. To Mass. 
Wes worked on replacing chicken wire at compost deer fence. I deadheaded - picked daylily - lilac and cosmos for Garden Club meeting at Dolly Wittmans at two o’clock. Home at 4:15.
We went to Republican Caucus to vote for Beth Yanity for State Representative.

1991 - Wednesday - 66° at 7 AM. Fair. Just under 2 inches of rain in our gauge - other place had over 3 - many areas lost power.
Beautiful day - warm sun - less humidity. Did a wash - ironed. To Donna Clark’s garden for a tour - her garden in great shape.
Tony Ongaro working on wall over wall garden.
Picked up House and to Jane Jessup's for 6:30 cocktail and dinner - Home at eleven.

1992 - Friday - 57° at 6 AM. Partly cloudy. Cleared to a mostly fair sunny day. Cooler at night. To Mass.  Treescape men here when we returned at 8. Worked on south side - raising and cleaning out dead wood of all trees around garden Room. Knocked over the wild thalictrum was the only big damage. A good high ceiling now. Wes finished spreading chips outside fence north of gate.  I went to S & S. Cut grass. Picked a few beans & couple zucchini.

July 25

1988 - Monday - 64° at 6 AM. Foggy. Unexpected thunderstorm at 11:30 last night - had to shut windows. 3/10 inch rain. Good day - warm - sunny - more humidity at night. To Mass. Wes dug holes along Holding Bed Line - for the fence - made five  - two have to be concreted. I washed - dug up Iris pumila on Wall garden - raised them - moved Heather to Wood Knoll path - deadheaded - cut grass. Wes moved stone at base of big north rock to better position. Cooked lamb chops for dinner.

1989 - Tuesday. 65° at 6 AM. Hazy. Leaving day for Am. Hort. Meeting Minneapolis. Left at 8:15 for White Plains airport - Wes found parking space - terminal crowded - 10:29 Northwest Plane via Detroit (12:09) to Minneapolis - to Radisson Plaza Hotel - nice room - friendly personnel - nap - walked around hotel - dinner at Hotel Cafe - (one hour difference in time)

1990 - Wednesday - 64° at 6 AM. Clear. I went to Greenhouse for a cuttings workshop - took Azalea prunifolium and atlanticum - home at 11. Wes had moved soil into holding bed over. We shopped at Stop & Shop - gasoline - Marcus for milk. Wes picked up 3 more fenceposts at Youngs & worked on deer fence behind compost.
Arlene Ross phoned at 9 o'clock Alex had died in the evening. Helen & Arlene had been to the home at noon.

1991 - Thursday - 65° at 6 AM. Drizzling - off and on all day - no accumulation. To Mass. Tony Ongaro didn't work. We pruned juniper hanging over wall garden and along path to north grass. Long nap as last night was not good sleeping. Shopped at Stop & Shop.
Learned late in evening from Gizella Varga that Howard Castle died Tuesday the 23rd.
First anniversary of Alex Ross' death.

1992 - Saturday - 55° at 7:30. Good to sleep late. Enjoyed the day without the workmen around or having to go anywhere. 
Picked up a lot of sticks, straightened up the deer fence in a couple places - need to replace chicken wire at the shed. Rolled stone to help fill bottom openings of compost fence.
Couldn't finish crossword. Cleaned up a lot of the papers.
Cool night - put extra blanket on bed.