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August 11

1988 - Thursday - 75° at 6 AM - Cloudy - HHH - worse than yesterday. Not a day for working.
Took flowers for Louise Willets Memorial service to Kathleen Eason - Craigs for picture frame for [[Sothing?]] wedding and strap for [[strikethrough]] g [[/strikethrough]] Wes' watch - Genovese for some supplies & groceries from Stop & Shop  After lunch and nap watered the perennial garden - plants getting a "fall" look.

1989 - Friday - 58° at 6AM - Raining since 4AM Thank God - Inch and quarter when Wes closed gate evening. To Mass. Indoor day - First time didn't have to water in weeks! Wes in shop. I made coffee cake  ratatouille in the microwave - meatloaf. We tried to make up poem for Billie Newell's birthday party - not successfully. Wes set a fire for the evening - felt and smelled wonderful.

1990 - Saturday 70° at 7 AM - Raining still At 5pm there was another 1 1/2 inches but there was a lot of hot sun during the day so we worked outside Planted the Japanese Iris in the perennial garden - threw away Leatres Kobold and Lambsears to do it. Mike Mannion fixed the pocket bedroom door - Jim Bruno hung a pegboard in the garage. Wes dug up & threw away two Emerald Juniper outside fence - filled up holes - He worked on Northeast Slope. I cut south grass - lots of moles

1991 - Sunday - 60° at 6AM - Fair & beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes wrote checks for contribution. I phoned Kelly, Joan & Bit. Wes called Mary. All well. I called on Millicent Sattler - gave her cherry tomatoes - She is doing better. Wes cleaned up the tree brush and leaves he cut down yesterday. I planted up seven more of Azalea cuttings taken in June - rest still don't have enough roots - very slow

1992 - Tuesday - 68° at 6AM - Foggy - cleared in morning but thunderstorms - some severe - beginning at 2 PM. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden - Jim Conway reinstalled the sun dial. Good working crew - all deadheading done and grass edges cut. Wes worked on west path & steps to north top. I wanted to cut grass, but storms in afternoon prevented. Electricity off momentarily couple times. Worked on crossword club puzzle. Early shower & dinner as Tempanelli’s asked us to go to movies at 7PM Commerce Park "A League of Their Own" - good - funny - Home & bed at 10pm.

August 12

1988 Friday - 77° at 6AM - Hazy - Hot - Humid - Terrible weather continues. No rain. To Mass. 
I attended Louise Willet's Memorial Service at the Congregational Church - stopping for birthday cards and groceries enroute home. Wes had watered. Did more watering in afternoon - the Cardinal flowers are in bloom - look magnificent - watered them. The racoon had knocked the cover from the Cardinal flowers I am propagating. Fire in Empire State Bldg. knocked out radio stations

1989 - Saturday - 60° at 7AM - Had rained during night - 2 inches about! Our rain gauge appears to leak! Some people said there were 4" last 2 days. 
Wes in shop. I washed, ironed. Went to Fabric Shop to look for patterns - bought a blouse and shirtwaist dress $7.95 each. Shocking. After lunch, read papers washed hair. Rain, heavy at times, off and on. We didn't get up to see how the moss made out.

1990 - Sunday - 70° - Foggy - High Humidity - Fair day - very warm sun. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
To Banksville fabrics, Norwalk, at ten, only to find them closed on Sunday - pleasant ride not much traffic. Phoned girls - Kelly broke a bone in her right foot - in brace. Hung various articles on new pegboard in garage- I washed pots and cleaned up work table.

1991 - Monday 60° at 6:30 - Fair beautiful day - nice breeze. Painter here 8/3 - finished - livingroom wall, front door and laundry door look good. 
Wes took down 3 trees on north top - really open there now and rock cliff along road looks good - Needs cleaning up. I cut all grass - trimmed - wrote Marion Cornell who moved to Williamstown, Mass.

1992 - Wednesday - 65° at 7AM - Fair. Our rain gauge only holds 1 inch so don't know complete rain of yesterday but it was a lot. Coming thru Danbury last night noticed one section had no electricity. Beautiful day. Wes started clearing along the road above second gate. I picked vegetables -took some to Tempanelli’s. Cut grass. Tried to find place near Piper for a Japanese fern which must take from upper path (under Jaynes Kolmea [[Kalmia]]) but too many rocks. Took out small iris & moved it to shed/well path. Jim Redmond came to check Freddy's pump - will return with a moisture proof connection