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August 13

1988- Saturday. 72° at 7AM- Slept late- not a bad night with the fan going. HHH - worst to date- NYC had 102. No rain. 
To White Flower Farm for seedlings Sale of Rock Garden Society - bought 15 seedlings and a Pink Laurel and 3 Primula Japonica from WFF - home for lunch at 12:15.
Planted some of the seedlings - some put in holding frame. Wes planted the Laurel at top of big rock on North. To Purdue Scott’s at 5:30 to meet Monique & Bill North and Selma & Sam Goldwitz.

1989- Sunday - 70° at 6AM. Dark, gloomy. Foggy Rain- mostly light- off and on all day. Was able to get out at times to deadhead - pick tomatoes & blueberries, and check on moss at big rock - It was okay. 
Cleaned up six-packs and labels stored on garage work table. Cleaned out two drawers of tools and threw away loads of labels. We have a lot of money invested in plants in the place! Phoned Holmdens - Joan will make reservations at motel Oct 6 and 7

1990 Monday - 66° at 6 AM - Sunny but very humid. To Mass. Wes started raking paths, washed out by the heavy rain. I cut north grass - in bad shape. Transplanted yellow lilies from driveway garden to fence garden - put Russian sage from perennial garden in their place. Wes to Dr. Monroe afternoon - nose graft doing well - check back in six months - Took articles to recycling - bought pegboard hooks at Ridgefield Supply - no suet at Stop & Shop - Afraid birds will be hungry. 

1991 - Tuesday- 60° at 6:15 am.   Fair- warm- more humid. To Mass  
I worked at Ballard 8:30/11:15 - to Pinchbeck for a pot to plant our Azalea Atlanticum for Washington show. We worked on cleanup of trees taken down at North top.  
We reset the livingroom after the paint job
Picked 3 zucchini and beans & cherry tomatoes

1992 - Thursday - 58° at 6AM, cloudy - rain predicted - none until night. To Mass. Birds - a wren family of six - came into garage - one went in a brown paper bag! - Had to leave 2 in when we went to Mass - they kept flying to top of things instead of out the door.
Deadheaded. Moved yellow iris from entrance to spot off Solar - also dug up the shooting stars from dell & put them same place. Discovered big rock in dell compost and spent rest of day raising it. For a time thought we'd have to leave it behind but have it almost out by day's end.

August 14

1988- Sunday - 78° at 6AM - HHH - Worst yet. To 8 o'clock Mass. Father is talking of air conditioning the church. 
Didn't do much except water - kept out of sun.
Deck not bad in evening. Kept fan on overnight.

1989- Monday - 70° at 6:30. Foggy - HHH -very humid - high about 85°. Light sprinkles late PM. 
Shopped Stop&Shop - mowed lawn - deadheaded - Wes raised big flagstone top of wall entrance to garden room. Early shower and dinner. To 7:30 Mass for Feast of Assumption. 
Lots of static on phone - reported it to SNET.

1990 Tuesday - 65° at 6:15. Beautiful morning - heavy thunderstorm last night - 7/10 inch - washouts. I worked at Ballard 8:30 to noon. Right ankle swollen (sprain?) first thought it was arthritis 
We went to Mill Place glass store to order top for guest bath table - picked up repaired vacuum which is to be shop vacuum now. Wes cut south grass - prepared dinner. Picked up Helen at Conn. Limosine at 5:15. She had dinner here - took her home at 8pm.

1991 - Wednesday - 66° at 7:30 - cloudy - clear to very humid warm day. We need rain again. 
Wes continued the cleanup of north area. 
I went to Marcus for milk - did a work wash. Put the Azalea Atlanticum into an 8" pot - lifted the white pine at the front fence and trimmed hemlock over deck - branches rubbing against oak. We carried leaf chips to Cardinal flowers and to area above new wall.

1992 - Friday - 60° at 6AM. Rain overnight. Dark at this time now, especially when cloudy. To Mass. Got the big stone out of the mud in the wild garden! Wonderful - left it close to fence - Wes refilled the huge hole, using so called topsoil first - then composted leaf chips and sweet peat. I made cuttings of Cardinal Flowers - two stems. Damp gloomy day