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August 23

1988 - Tuesday - 49° at 6 am - Some clouds - a clear morning - cloudy afternoon - rain predicted at night. To Mass. Wes worked on Holding Bed Area - took out big stump on North Slope. I cut grass - filled birdbaths and the feeder. Picked up Helen at 11:30 and on to Ballard Garden for Garden Club meeting - I was a judge - had dedication of trees for deceased members - Home at 3:30 - looked at Wes' work - cultivated planting bed and North Slope ferns & rhododendrons for hoped - for rain. 

1989 - Wednesday - 68° at 7AM.. Fair. Good to sleep late Very humid. Part  sun & clouds - few drops - no forecasted thunderstorm. 
Wes finished drain at NE corner of deck - set new flagstones. Then he worked up at holding bed, grubbing up new area. I deadheaded - very few day lilies - made cookies and lemon bread for Ballard tomorrow - deadheaded at Vargas. Knapp tree man came to look at big pile of wood along our upper fence - Started cut up of them at P.M.

1990 - Thursday - 63° at 6AM - Cloudy - dark - light rain off and on - no outdoor work. To Mass. Missed TR with rug pad - darn To apothecary Prescription Center to renew one of Wes' eye drops and my Efudex (face medicine) Menker for Wasp spray (they are in Rock Garden) Marcies & Stop & Shop. Did crossword - worked on Van Eugelen bulb order to give to Eileen. Put Herbs under lights in kitchen & garage.

1991 - Friday - 65° at 6:10 - overslept - Fair until afternoon - storm after 6PM - another at 10:30. To mass. Wrote to Kelly. To Stop & Shop; Marcies gasoline ($1.56 on card) liquor - bought cotton panties at Penney's as 15% off one day sale. Ailene Rose phoned at noon - worried about her mother - I went there to check - Helen has shingles but is okay - We transplanted Hosta from garden room to compost path and under oak tree near well.

1992 - Sunday - Fair beautiful day - lost to us. Didn't feel up to going to mass. Taking medication for Lyme Disease - feeling a little better. Phoned sisters. Joan & Hooker back from Maine where had a wonderful week - her operation is Friday 28th. Vaur will return when she gets out of hospital - Bil managing very well with her broken elbow - Kelly is fine - Mary ok. Carolyn phoned could she help us, having heard our illness from Kelly - she bought a thermometer for us - my temperature coming down - rested most of day - lots of phone calls from friends. Going to bed noticed last bite on my leg has a rash.

August 24

1988 - 59° at 7AM - Wednesday - Raining! Hurray - 96 in gauge at 7:45 - still raining - up to 1:10 before ending - clouding rest of day. Did crossword. To Louise McSceon to pick up Delphenium for Ballard Garden Later to Stop & Shop for groceries & shopped at McKeon's for 2 baskets of manure - one for Ballard. Mailed RSC Coloring Book to Mrs Cerf. Swept Garden Room - lots of sticks down - Refilled seed holder - Wes adjusted bird feeder cable - lots of finches - Tilmice - woodpeckers

1989 - Thursday - 60° at 6AM - Clear - cool - less humid Beautiful day. To mass. I worked at Ballard - brought lemon bread and juice. Wes worked on drain at northeast deck - extending it to the cliff. Vargas returned from Victoria / Vancouver. I cut grass - checked propagation boxes. Picked beans for supper.

1990 - Friday - 66° at 6AM - Raining - Just over and inch by 8AM. Incredible. Rained most of the day but no heavy downpours. To mass. Did a work wash Did crossword and also worked on Sunday's which comes early. Sent order to [[?]] for garden supple - paid insurance (house) Took a walk to [[Allen's?]] before 5pm - light rain but good to exercise. Iraq ordered all Embassys closed.

1991 - Saturday - 64° at 7:30. Really slept late! Did the crossword - a wash. Transplanted three Hostas - broke up one to make five along path to upper holding bed. I cut south grass. Wes picked up stone from transplanting hole. Gorbachev left Communist Party - dismissed all cabinet officers - appointed better men. Many people say he should resign (1/2 inch yesterday's storm)

1992 - Monday - 62° at 8AM - Foggy - slept a little better. My head still aches. Did crossword - hard for a Monday or we're getting less bright. Eileen came up at eleven - brought us a lot of food - chicken - pasta & vegetables - jello - bread. She left immediately. We ate lunch - tried to nap - outside to deadhead - very hot - watered useful four to cut north grass (me) north beds & cliff by Wes. I had my first Scotch since Thursday & it was not too good. Temperature down to 97. Very warm & humid day - cool night. Hurricane Andrew hit Miami