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August 27

1988 - Saturday - 64° at 7AM - Raining - thunder-storm- glad - 35/100 inch.
Tony Ongaro came to discuss adding a course to well enclosure - will do it week after next. 
To Texaco Route 6 for gasoline- found GW Hway being paved but we could get out to Ridgebury Road.  Shopped Waldbaums - Helen came at 2 o'clock with dogs - bread - corn - spent night with us - Wes cooked steaks.

1989 - Sunday. 50° at 6:30 - forgot to look at 6 AM.  Clear - beautiful day -  cloudy in evening - to 8 o'clock Mass
Went over cliff, via deer trail - found path loaded with down trees and brush - difficult going - brought up large Maidenhair Fern - several Native Ginger - planted them near Piper;  2 Christmas ferns which put below big rock.
Transplanted eight Hostas from Oak tree near well to wood knoll - hit one big rock there which Wes got out - watered Hostas but didn't hole them in as late when we quit

1990 - Monday - 68° at 6 AM - To be sunny, hot & humid - not a good August.  To Mass.
Wes dropped me at Ballard Garden to deadhead (meeting there tomorrow) he went to Recycling - Youngs to order birdfood - special 40lbs for $19.99 - bananas at Stop & Shop 
After lunch we moved the three Pink Pancake Azaleas to forward position at new curve north grass.  Sharp sudden thunderstorm at 2:30 - 1/2 IN.  Moved Bergenia to Dolls Eye Garden Path

1991 - Tuesday - 64° at 6 AM.  Some fog - became muggy hot and humid.  To Mass.
I prepared plants for Garden club meeting.  Wes cleaned up brush from brush cut in wild garden yesterday.  Raked path.
Early lunch as I went to 1pm Garden Club meeting in Ballard Park.  Turtlehead entry had bugs!  Home at 3:45 and went shopping at Stop & Shop.
Wes cleaned up area roadside of Triangle Garden.

1992 - Thursday - 68° at 7 AM.  H H H.  Wes had a bad night - My head still hurts - otherwise feeling better - taking our Lyme disease pills.
I worked at Ballard Garden for an hour.  Gigi Adams & Liz Montanari taking over from Muriel Pedersen as Co-Chairmen 
Went to Genovese for Fleet Enema enroute home.  Jim Redmond, Electrician, had repaired Freddy fountain - put in a weather proof socket.  Wes picked up stones at north end.  We picked crops.  Rain and thunderstorms in afternoon.  Phoned Joan who goes in for breast removal operation tomorrow

August 28

1988 Sunday - Eileen with us.  Warm & humid.  Partly cloudy.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Read papers - walked dogs.  Kelly, Carolyn & Pete came for coffee & coffee cake at 11.  Kelly left for home at 12:15.  So did Pete & Carolyn.  We had BLT sandwich with Eileen & then she went home.  We napped - cleaned up dishes - did a wash.  Moved Japanese Painted Fern from top of Piper rock (not doing well there) broke it up into 4 plants & put them opposite Piper and right north path.

1989 - Monday - 60° at 6AM - cloudy - looked like rain but none.  To Mass.  Moved all Hosta Royal Standard (white - Fragrant) from path-to-top to surround the oak tree at well - at the end hit a huge stone which Wes couldn't budge - so we put a birdbath there.  I went to Waldbaums for bananas - had prune plums.  Moved the 6 Epimedium from wood knoll to join others well/shed path.  Wes started moving the "Triangle Stone" at base of big rock. Called Nancy-Carroll Draper in Cody for her birthday but she couldn't come to phone!

1990 - Tuesday - 66° at 6AM.  Cloudy morning - humid - clear afternoon - thunderstorm in night.  
To Mass.  Wes moved leucothoe from Dolls-Eye Garden to upper North Slope.  He weeded that area - I picked up Helen Ross at 12:30 & went to RGC meeting at Coach House - inside account weather.  Home at 4 pm.  Potted up Aruncus aethusifolius dug out of step garden

1991 - Wednesday- 70° at 7AM - Muggy - hazy.  Very warm and humid.
Wes rolled both lawns - in afternoon, within 15 minutes, noticed mole heavings - but didn't see it.
I deadheaded.  Prepared lunch for Helen Ross - moving day for her.  Went there at 11:30 - movers still there.  We came home at 1:30 - took a nap.  Brought in peat and soil - moved white/green hosta to Garden Room - broke one into three pieces

1992 - Friday - 72° at 6AM.  Dark - Foggy - to be H H H - To Mass.  Father going to Rome for next two weeks - sleep in!  Shopped S&S.  My tummy not so good in morning but okay after nap.  Feeling better both of us - (after Lyme disease)  Cut north & south grass after nap.  Pulled up some Cleome and snapdragons - they haven't been good this year - next year pinch them back early.  Cut off yarrow.  Rain at night
Hooker phoned- Joan came thru mastectomy fine