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August 29

1988 - Monday. 44° at 6 AM. Overcast - HHH Light rain in morning - heavy around 5 pm- looked under Solar window. 5/10 inch rain Tues Am - thought more
To Mass. Did crossword - read papers - did a work wash - put away summer clothes. Wes ordered lumber for north gate from Ridgefield Supply - bought new fluorescent tubes for bathroom light - what a bright change - replaced smoke alarm battery. Texaco notified increase in sup. pension & that it is now permanent.

1989 - Tuesday - 66° at 6 AM. Dark - Cloudy. Bad day weatherwise - humid - drizzle in afternoon not wet under trees - luckily rained in evening.
To Mass. I worked at Ballard in morning. Wes continued work at big rock - straightening "triangle" stone. We replanted big ferns at left side top of steps to holding beds - moved one of Azalea Balsam in place to side of path from middle of garden.

1990 - Wednesday - 67° at 7 AM. Clear. 1/4 in rain from last night's thunderstorm. 26 people killed in tornado Joliet, Ill. Warm beautiful day. 
To bank - gasoline - on to Pleasantville - took Marion Cornell to lunch at Madera's (formerly Louis') in Thornwood. She is doing well after Buck's death. Did a tour of Pleasantville - admired houses Ashland Ave - Pleasant Ave bad. Home for nap - cut grass - weeded.

1991 Thursday - 68° at 6 AM. Muggy - warm. Very humid. To Mass. Phoned Helen Ross - Move went slowly.
Wes rerolled lawn. Moles still working.
We brought peat and compost to half circle under big Hemlock (south side) and transplanted the Astilbe Chinensis Primula there - think it will look good.
After lunch and nap, transplanted a big hosta to walk at big north rock. Took her container (loaned to Helen Ross) back to Timpanelli's. Turmoil continues in Soviet Union - Rusia

1992 - Saturday- beautiful day. Clear & cool. Over 1 inch in rain gauge - dont know how many storms in there. Picked crops - lots of tomatoes - a huge zucchini which Gizella took with beans. Second sowing of beans coming in. Couldn't finish crossword. To Bedford movie to see Enchanted April - delightful. Home at 4:30 to shower. Waited up till 9:30 to call Hooker - also spoke to David visiting there - Joan doing well. 

August 30

1988 - Tuesday - 62° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Cleared to a not bad day. Worked at Ballard in morning. Transplanted the Chrysogonum virginianum back into Memorial Garden - Home at twelve - Wes had spent time picking up sticks - branches - leaves down from last night's storm. Big branch had hit Solar - luckily no damage - no more rain from Solar window leak. Cut grass in late P.M. after going to Memorial Service at St. Stephen's for Charles Dayton.

1989 - Wednesday. 70° at 7 AM. Foggy. 1/2 inch rain from last evening - Very humid morning - pleasant breezy afternoon - evening cool. Wes broke up the big stone in hole front of huge rock & got it out. I transplanted three Thomas Hogg Hostas from Eileen's Azalea to foot of Azalea Prunifolium - cut grass - picked some nice tomatoes and a half cup blueberries. Wes brought down compost and debris from holding bed area to fill hole under big rock - covered it with the beautiful soil from that area. I took more wood soil to Joe's Garden. Sleepy at night - early to bed.

1990 - Thursday. 59° at 6AM. Fair - beautiful - low humidity - warm sun. To Mass. To Ridgefield to have camera checked - also to Stop & Shop for groceries - stopped at Timpanelli's to pick up tomatoes - admired their garden. Wes dug around Mugo Pine now under lilac outside fence - hope to move it closer to fence - big job. I switched Hostas at Prunifolium Azalea for some with white flowers that were along the path to holding bed - lots of rocks

1991 - Friday - 68° at 6:30. Foggy - hot and humid. To Mass. Shopped early at Stop & Shop and Marcus. I made a dried apricot dessert for tomorrow. Picked beans, tomatoes, a nice zucchini. Wes put stones around hemlock south side and brought down soil to fill in behind Astilbe pumila.
Cleaned livingroom - Washed kitchen/solar floor.

1992 Sunday. 54° at 6:30. Fair. beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read part of paper. Phoned Bit & Kelly. Deadheaded some of the big astilbe & cut down one aruncus - not in good shape. Edged (clipped) grass edges. Picked up a lot of branches down along road.  
To Trattoria at 4:30 - dinner with Timpanelli's and Sobols - pleasant evening - home about 7:30.