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September 8

1988 - Thursday - 48° at 6AM - Fog again over pond. Fair beautiful day - sunny and cool. To Mass. 
To Bank - Marcus - Pharmacy for Wes' eye drop prescription - Waldbaum's - home for lunch. 
Split the Agapanthus into 1 big & 3 small plants - cut down livingroom ferns. Moved Iris Pallida from triangle bed to Physoptegia spot in Perennial Garden & put that in its place. Also moved Filipendula - Wes raked well garden & brought down remaining woodchips to cover recent plantings - watered them.

1989 - Friday - 54° at 6AM. Fog - cleared to a beautiful day - dry. To mass. Wes took out "crossing drain" on cliff path - not up to our standards. He edged back of wall garden and around one pine tree. I cut grass. We moved Hosta Frances Williams right side of garden room - putting wood soil and top soil in hole. Watered small rhododendrons same area preparatory to moving them tomorrow. Moved Solomon Seal from dell to spot under Eileen's azalea Watered Piper area. Wes clearing big rocks upper east side.

1990 - Saturday - 54° at 7AM. Clear & cool - disappointed no rain - Beautiful day - clear blue sky. 
To Stop & Shop - needed bananas - prune plums in the market. Did a wash - walked around place - watering couple transplants. To Litchfield at 2:15 to see the Flower Show and pick up herbs and Torrey Cookes arrangement. Very digusted with rude comments on horticultural exhibits - my Dahlia not at 45% angle - others "seed pod" “immature” etc.

1991 - Sunday - 56° at 6:15 AM - Fair - to be warm - it was - fair - need rain. To 8 o’clock Mass. I was called on to be Lector - without preparation. Wes worked on roadside path to North top. I worked at Church, "assisting" the photographer - doing the paperwork - 10 to 1:15 - terrible - crowded running late - glad to get out - worked in garden in afternoon and cut south grass.

1992 - Tuesday - misty - foggy - Saw two Pileated on suet tree at breakfast time - what red heads. Worked at Ballard in morning - (Gigi Adams in charge - she had [[rain?]] at her house but came any way) Wes worked on cliff path and area around raised bed off Solar. I cut grass. We sunk stones in new rock garden - moved Daphne and Iris into it from Wall garden. To Stop & Shop and gasoline for car.

September 9

1988 Friday - 58° at 6AM - cloudy - became a beautiful day before noon. To Mass. Tony Ongaro put 2 more courses on well house - looks much better - Tony also picked up 40 Belgian Blocks to edge triangle garden - Wes will do that. I dug up 6 daylilies south side of pine and added them to daylily bed north of pine after Wes cut out sod from that curve up to well - moved Astilbe taqueti from “Joe's garden" to former daylily place - moved small Caryopteris to Wood Knoll bank - planted lettuce after pulling out tomato plants

1989 - Saturday - 59° at 7AM - Hazy - became very humid - muggy - return to summer. 
Transplanted 2 Keiski rhododendron - one to well garden one to holding bed as it is in poor shape - transplanted Solomon Seal from dell leaf mulching spot to well garden. Wes moved logs from behind garden room to north dumping area. I made a Plum Tarte and chocolate semi-freddo for freezer - took Texaco & GM dividends to bank. Needed showers at night to recoup - so humid.

1990 - Sunday - 46° at 6:30 - overslept. Beautiful morning - cloudy afternoon - sprinkles only - hope for rain. To 8 o'clock mass - made copies of Wes' doctor bills for insurance filing. Made prune plum/pecan cake - oatmeal cookies - did a wash - phoned sisters - Joan will have gallbladder operation Sept. 21 We will change date to go to Kelly's for October meeting Eileen went to dog show at Lyndhurst. Wes made a fire in den for dinner

1991 - Monday -/59° at 7AM - Warm humid day Wes continued work on path to North (roadside) looking good. He also took out big stone opposite Piper - refilled with soil. I took ground lower Box to Muriel - (five plants in it) picked up Peat Humus &  Cedar mulch from Pinchbeck. Put mulch on path to North grass - Wes had raised grade - made good soil with peat humus - transplanted in fence garden.

1992. Wednesday - 70° at 6AM. Up early as Wes takes car to Honda service - took a long time - he returned at 11 - back wheel cylinders were changed - $361.25! I moved more plants from wall garden to new rock garden - hope they live but had to be moved as too crowded now in wall garden. Wes cut grass on North top - we threw on compost about three tomato plants & cut off a lot of dead branches - found couple of huge zucchini - picked loads of beans - gave vegs to Gizella. Eileen heard from Joan that her lymph nodes removed in operation were not cancerous. Good news.