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September 10 

1988 - Saturday - 60° at 8AM - Really slept late - enjoyed it but it made a short morning. We started putting Belgian Blocks on edge of triangle garden - did 12 by quitting time. I did a wash - vacuumed, cleaned kitchen floor - put 5 sedum/cactus plants in pots - possible use at Darien show on the 15th - trimmed the little horse. To 5 o'clock Mass - met Jean McKearney, organist, and Ana Vas soloist, afterward to decide on music for Oct. 8th Mass.

1989 - Sunday - 68° at 6 AM. Foggy - terrible weather - hot and humid. Too hot to work - 88° in afternoon To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes cleaned up desk of all contribution requests. I mended - shortened Wes' LL Bean summer pants (took off cuffs) shortened my long white slip. Micallaneous house clean up chores. Long nap - walked about grounds - watered recent transplants. Dinner on deck - Wes cooked steak. Fan on all night 

1990 - Monday 62° at 6 AM. Shower overnight - not measurable - cleared by afternoon. To Mass. Wes worked on Northeast slope - I took Herbs from the pots that went to Litchfield show - pots all belong to Muriel Pedersen - deadheaded - garden has fall look - cut grass in afternoon. To bank (Texaco and GM dividends) and Marcus - using 1/2% milk on sale at $1.99 gal. To Billie Newell’s at 4:30 - she is in bed with pinched nerve in hip - looked beautiful - gave us a book on gardens 1200-1900

1991 - Tuesday 66° at 6 AM. Mornings are dark. Report for showers late in day - but none here. Very humid. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning - picking up bananas and oatmeal ($3.19!!!) in Grand Union - put Texaco dividend in bank. Wes continued work on roadside path to North Top. I picked beans and tomatos - have been pleased with the yield. Transplanted Fairy Candles and yellow ornamental grass.

1992 - Thursday - 70° at 7 AM - cloudy - humid - thunderstorm after lunch - spoiled cutting the grass - rain during the night. Too much rain this summer. 
Wes had 9 o'clock appointment with Dr. Sandler didn't get out until 10:45. We were home at 11 - Pat Brassington & Phyllis Perron were to go thru garden at 1130 but Pat phoned, not feeling well so cancelled. Wes not feeling well - tummy upset perhaps with field vision test. I picked some flowers & ornamental grass for Candatoga show tomorrow. 

September 11 

1988 - Sunday - 50° at 7 AM - cloudy- A different morning as we went to Mass last night - cleared to a mostly sunny day. 
Wes continued on Belgian Block edging at Triangle garden - getting around curve by quitting time.
I edged shade garden, cut grass, watered.
Mary Luke took Agapanthus section. 

1989. Monday - 70° at 6 AM. Fog. Terrible night - Wes had cramps - very humid. Chance of showers - none here. To Mass. Wes went for a haircut - stopped at bank & Marcus. He rolled south grass account mole runs. I cut the grass later in the day. I transplanted Joan's Iris - putting it in Veronica spot which was moved more to the right. Watered recent perennial transplants. Watered north rhodos and slope well/shed path- Everything dry. To McKeons at 6 (should have been 6:30) dinner for Nancy Carroll Draper - Father Tighe - Mary Luke - Billie there

1990. Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM - Cool morning became warm and humid. To Mass. Voted in Republican Primary Yanity vs. Dunworth. I worked in Ballard with Muriel Pedersen; we threw out all the iris! Planted one Lavender from Litchfield show. Wes continued clearing Northeast slope. Watered well area - ground very dry. Watered new grass spot, north, grass coming up Waited for chimney cleaner  - Wes had cleaned out fireplaces - only to realize at 5 pm the date is next week 

1991 - Wednesday. 68° at 7 AM - cloudy - became fair - disappointed no rain. Put water on big rhododendron over Piper - also on Shastas & Astilbes at fence.
Left at 11:10 for Bronxville - met Mary at Town Tavern for lunch - Wes annoyed at "Senior Citizen" look. Home at 3:45. Did more watering. 
Judge Clarence Thomas hearings for appointment to Supreme Court 

1992 - Friday - 64° at 6:30 - Cloudy - Up early to take entries to Candatoga Show - beans won first! Wes had 9 AM appointment Dr. Jones - Blood plasma good - can stop pills - come back two months. I went to see the Candatoga show at 2:30 - (found Italian Deli going out of business enroute) with Muriel Pedersen - returned at 4:15 - cut grass. Wes had dug six holes to move rhodedendron & azalea out of holding box. Phoned Joan - may have MS coming back - Mary F okay after fall