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September 14

1988 - Wednesday - 50° at 4 AM - fair - beautiful day. Left at 9:30 for Old Saybrook - luncheon meeting of Texaco[?] [unknown] at Dock + Dine Saybrook Point -beautiful view of Conn. River+Sound - 80 miles - 2 hour drive = home at 4:30 after a stop at Marcus + bank - deadheaded - watered pots. Made out checks to pay Federal estimated taxes. Hurricane Gilbert approaching Yucutan Peninsula Mexico and Texas after great damage to Jamaica and Cayman Islands.

1989 - Thursday - 64° at 6am. Dark foggy - looked like rain any moment. No Mass as Wes took car to Honda for service - back at 10. I paid taxes. We transplanted Sedum Autumn Joy to a front position in perennial garden - ditto the white allium. Wes worked on east path of North Slope. I cut south grass despite [unknown]. Rain started about 3:30 so quit early for shower and dinner - glad to have it.

1990 - Friday - 68° at six AM - off and on cloudy - looked like rain - muggy. To Mass. Wes [unknown] brought down 3 more loads of topsoil, and seeded the south lawn big patch. 
I transplanted 3 Stokesia Blue Danube to Joe's[?] Garden - surrounded daylilies - also planted there white stokesia Segella[?] gave me. Cut the grass. Watered some transplants. To bank + Marcee[?]

1991 Saturday - 60° at 7 AM. Very light shower during night - misty morning - only .08 at end of day. No outdoor work by me - Wes checked north end & transplants. Cleaned lavatory. I made Tavern[?] Bars for us and next Tuesday's garden club meeting - also lemon[?] pecan crisp dough - put it in freezer. Went to Robin Hood at North Street theatre 3:30 - home 6:15.

1992 - Monday-50° at 7Am. Fog [over pond-?] became a beautiful day  - cool & sunny. Did a wash - ironed - made bran muffins.
Picked beans - so many this year.
To Dr. Beck at 2pm - stopped enroute at bank - good report[?] for Wes - come back in 3 months. Car filled with gasoline- Barnes & Noble for [Heart Assn.?] cookbook - cut grass
Oil delivery - .89cents/gal free protection plan to 9/30 - good timing

September 15
1988 - Thursday-52° at 6AM. Fair day - very cold high wind but sun was warm. Wes took car to Honda for big checkup - 15,000 miles (actually 14,706) rented Red Mustang. To Herb Fair in North Salem - car stuck on big rock parking in field - luckily no damage - lunch there - got indigestion
To Stop & Shop and bank enroute home. Wes returned Mustang and picked up Honda. I transplanted couple plants in Perennial Garden - cold night. 

1989-Friday-66° at 6Am. Gloomy. 1 1/2 inches rain at 6:30 AM - more predicted - but it turned fair at noon. To Mass. To Baukolle[?] Fabrics where I bought white cotton for a blouse and blue challis wool for a dress - back to Ridgefield to Reclamation - Wes bought a Water Pik at CVS - picked up two rolls of wire fencing from Youngs - bought groceries at Stop & Shop.  After lunch worked out doors. We moved logs. I transplanted Santolina to walk outside east end of Solar

1990 - Saturday - 65° at 8Am. Boy did we sleep - good thunderstorm in early morning-not too much rain but it all came down heavily - turned out to be 1 3/4 inches - read the gauge wrong! House chores for me - made a Plum Torte - Helen Ross coming for dinner. We worked on upper northeast pech[?] - taking out rocks. Moved 3 Hemlocks small to North fence area.
Wes picked up Helen Ross at six. Pleasant evening Took her home at 9:30.

1991-Sunday-60° at 7am. Foggy.- To 8 o'clock Mass. Drizzle. After telephoning girls to Mall. Wes bought caulking gun at Sears- they had no bathroom sinks for us to look at. Bought boxes at Postage Store for birthday & Christmas presents - wrapped the scissors and umbrella and tote - that for Bit's Christmas - scissors for Joan & Sally both days. 
Read papers - nice rain about 3 o'clock - half inch.

1992-Tuesday - 49° at 7:30. Beautiful morning. Leaving for Ticonderoga. Eileen came up at 10:15. We left soon - Rte 84 to Taconic to Brass[?] Pike to 97 - 9N - thru Lake George Village. Bolton Landing - at Circle Court Motel Ticonderoga mid. afternoon. Walked Montcalm Street - in very rundown shape - phoned Tom Handy - will see them tomorrow - dinner at Roberts on Montcalm (walked)