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September 20

1988- Tuesday - 64° at 6:30; foggy- some mist but didn't stop working- high winds in afternoon -thunderstorm at dinner time.
Worked at Ballard in morning - started cutting down perennials- home for lunch. 
Worked on fence from road to north gate, using Freeman wire - looks neater. 
Boo had couple teeth taken out- lump under front leg removed.

1989- Wednesday- Cape Cod- Left for home at 8:30 after breakfast- fog- rain before Sturbridge - sometime heavy - poor visibility in fog and rain. Reached home at 1 PM - sandwich - nap. Took the smoked fish the Harrisons sent to the Roses - pharmacy for Wes' eye drops with Dr Espy new prescriptions - shopped Waldbaums & Marcies - bank closes at 4 pm so missed putting in the Texaco special dividend. Home to catch up on papers Rain gauge showed 1 1/2 inch

1990 - Thursday - 55° at 6AM. Beautiful day To Mass. I went to 9AM meeting at Muriel Pedceseu's on Horticulture for next June flower show - home at 11:30 for lunch. Wes had continued clearing upper northeast slopes. 
To Dr. Howoritz, Scarsdale, for a 2 o'clock appointment Told me I looked "wonderful" - red spots were what they should be stop Efudex cream - continue with cortisone 
Home at 3 pm - nap - I cut grass - Wes worked on northeast slope. Phoned Joan wishing her well on operation - (gall bladder) tomorrow. 

1991 - Friday - 52 at 6AM - Cloudy. cleared to a cool day with sun. Half inch rain from yesterday - good for the grass treatment. To Mass. Wes went over the cliff to cut down the dead hemlock - had to have saw repaired at Nutmeg first. I sent off an order to Crownsville Nursery & wrote Joan & Hooker. Moved Hosta 'Fraure Welbaues' to east path to top - added several Japanese Ferns from Garden Room. Cut south grass - in terrible shape after treatment.

1992 - Sunday - 49° at 6AM. Dark at that time - Fair day. Beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes worked on bank statement we later found I had subtracted a deposit instead of adding on. I made lamb stew and pork tenderloin (My right index finger very sore with arthritis) Transplanted Variegated Solomon Seal from shade garden To bed of walk to upper planting beds - put Cinicfuge Japoneca [[?]] in its place. Watered some recent transplants - very dry

September 21

1988 - Wednesday - 68° at 7AM. Sunny - A warm night - quarter inch rain from last night's storms. Partly cloudy day. changed quickly sunny to cloudy. 
Septic tank was pumped - $147.00 - do again in 4 years.
Wes extended upper fence - now going down the hill
I made Plum cake, David's cookies - typed up readings for Oct 8 Mass. Split Siberian Iris from Perennial bed - moved it - five pieces - to dell walk.

1989. Thursday - 72° at 6AM - Foggy - west - no more rain but very humid. Hurricane Hugo, after devastation in St. Croix and Puerto Rico, heading toward the Carolinas. To Mass. To bank - a look at McKeon's where old barn burned to ground yesterday afternoon - to North Salem Herb Fair where had a good lunch - bought jelly for Joan. Home for nap. Did a work wash - ironed. Wes worked on deer fence. I deadheaded and cut the grass despite wet grass. Sprinkled at 5:30

1990 - Friday - 48° at 6AM - Beautiful day. To Mass. Gave Louise Mckeon Herbs from Litchfield Show to sell at her Herb Fair - to Youngs to pick up 5 bags (40 lbs) of birdseed at special price. Then to Stop & Shop. 
Transplanted small trees in holding bed - hemlocks - pines & spruce - need smaller pots for 8 of them. 
Wes continued work clearing northeast slope - I transplanted aquilegia canadensis to there from driveway & a few plants from wall garden. Joan's gall bladder operation success

1991 - Saturday - 44° at 7:30. Really slept late Heard "Washington Week" since missed it last night watching "Brooklyn Bridge" - a new TV show. 
I made muffins and a plum torte. Wes made a path outside fence - Hudson line - to get brush out to road. 
Transplanted variegated hosta from blueberry bushes base, breaking it in four pieces, to cliff side of garden room.
Put [[head?]] on for dinner

1992 - Monday - 50° at 7:30. Cloudy - off and on sun Wes found small trowel I lost yesterday - in the junk past the shed. Wes picked up stone on south slope. I put the phlox stolonifera (taken yesterday from big [[?]] hole on stepgarden) on the south slope. Cut all grass - mole runs terrible. Moved couple perennials into new triangle bed. Put sprinkler there. Jim Redmond came to connect new pump to Freddy Pool.