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September 22

1988 - Thursday - 56° at 6 AM - Cloudy - off & on but some parts of day lovely.  To Mass - Father approved Readings for 8th Oct. Mass - sent copy to Bit.
Took out huge stone where we transplanted the Siberian Iris - Wes moved all those stones to bog wall - He turned over the compost.  I cut grass.  Transplanted one propagation box of Cardinal flowers (15 plants).  Left them under plastic for moisture adjustment.  Fall started 3:10pm.

1989 Friday - 74° at 6AM.  Cloudy.  Tropical storm warning Hurricane Hugo devastated Charleston, So. Carolina - Fall arrives 9:20 PM.  To Mass.  Took in all furniture from deck and all handing plants and pots - put them in garage.  Left at 10:30 for Ellen's - admired all her new work - tree-planting - pruning - shower enclosure, etc.  She gave us Ruth Clausen's book on Perennials for our Anniversary.  To Bronxville Town Tavern - Mary took us to lunch.  Dropped Ellen off - She had bought us David's cookies.  Home at 5pm - nap - Read paper. High wind

1990 - Saturday - 53° at 7 AM - Had light shower in night.  Keeler Tavern House Tour Day.  Eileen came 
up at 9:15 - we picked up Helen Ross at 9:45 - parked at Congregational Church - walked up and down Main Street seeing five houses - lunch at The Elms at 12:30 - glad to sit and have a drink.  Rained most of time - Eileen left for home at 3pm with the dogs - they had spent morning in car and were very good.  We napped.  I made oatmeal cookies and plum torte.  Phoned Hooker - Joan had walked in hospital - sore but okay.  (.30 rain)

1991 - Sunday - 43° at 6AM.  Heavy fog over pond - cool sunny beautiful day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Telephoned girls, Helen Ross came here at noon - we went to The Arch - had Millicent Sattler - Jane Jessup - Bruce and Barbara Sobal for lunch - good time - home at 3:30.  We planted the dwarf Laurel (dug out yesterday from Garden Room) at top left of well/shed path - hope it "grips" as looks good. 

1992 - Tuesday - 70° at 6AM.  Dark.  Fall arrives at 2:43 PM.  Some mist - rain in Ridgefield at 1:30 but we said none here.  To Mass.  Wes cleared up deck - I phoned Van companies re trip to Haddam Oct. 7th - Eileen agreed later too expensive -  at least $400 - I went to Ivy Hill Lutheran Church for RGC meeting.  Helen Haskall spoke on Daffodils.  Wes tried to cut back Freddy Frog pump - only made it higher.  We picked beans - threw out the final tomato plant and a couple zucchini.  Thunderstorm at 10/12 midnight 
(Andy Vill put great treatment on)

September 23

1988 - Friday - 58° at 6AM - Cloudy - Some light mist midmorning - cleared later.  To Mass. 
To bank.  Mall for my haircut.  Wes bought nails at Weekes for deer fence - early lunch and nap as I went to 1 o'clock meeting on Horticulture at Edith Meffley's - picked up book for birthday present - Wes put staples in deer fence - we watered rhododendrons and azaleas around Garden Room - very thin - must prune next spring. 

1989 - Saturday - 75° at 7AM - Clearing - "Hug" remains went through during night - winds and rain (1/4 inch)  Tree down behind St Frances - loads of sticks and leaves. 
Wes cut up all of tree except branch caught in oak - Called Wright on that - will put us on their list.  I cleaned garden room - front walk.  Rain after lunch so no more outdoor work.  Washed, ironed, read papers - early shower.  Only about 1/4 inch rain.  Temperature dropped 20° in one hour - 52° at dinnertime.  

1990 - Sunday - 52° at 6AM - Fair.  Fall arrived 2:55 AM early morning hours - real fall day - cool.  Breezy - trees changing color.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Made copy of Danbury Joe bill at post office - Wes paid bills and balanced bank statement.  I did a wash.  After lunch we finished plating the little trees in pots picked up yesterday at the Greenhouse.  Transplanted one Clethra in Dell Garden - moved a Partridgeberry there as an experiment.  Moved 3 Geranium macrorrhizum from shade garden to Northeast area cleared by Wes.  Phoned Joan, doing OK. 

1991 - Monday - 50° at 7am - cloudy - Fall starts 8:48AM.  Misty day but didn't stop out-door work.  Took Rosemary Rung and Autumn Lrsaves Dshlia to Anne Tracy for Zone II show is Newport.  To Stop & Shop.  Transplanted 2nd dwarf Laurel from Garden Room to top of Dell/Shed Path.  Moved Big Hosta from shade garden to Northeast path - also Maidenhair Fern from Garden Room to that path - took out a lot of stones to do it.

1992 - Wednesday - 52° at 7AM.  Cloudy - became a beautiful fine day - very windy - cool - sunny.
I made muffins & coffee for expected visit from Kelly but she never came.
We transplanted lots of plants in perennial garden - dug up & bagged Boltonia to take to Ballard tomorrow, threw away the Canadian Burnet - will compost a lot phlox if ladies at Ballard don't want it.
Wes took Freddy Frog's pump to Otto Gust who put a valve in it but then Wes couldn't get it started - phoned Jim Redmond.