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September 24

1988 - Saturday - 52° at 7AM - clear - sunny day. Prepared for Eileen - here with dogs at 9:45 - & bread! She and I did the Keeler Tavern Historic House Tour - 6 houses. The Osborne Home on Wilton Road West the best. Home late (2pm) for lunch. We discussed plans for family gathering - she left at 3:30 - We napped - then put bread, pies and coffeecake in freezer. Worked on crossword.

1989 - Sunday - 46° at 6AM- clear beautiful day - cold. To 8 o'clock Mass. Cleaned up more of ‘Hugo' debris. billions of sticks. Raked south grass and cut both sides. Checked propagation boxes. Time to pot the Lobelia - Azalea Viscosum & Atlanticum seem to have roots - other azaleas no. 
Wes balanced check book. Phoned Holmdens - ok. 
He cooked lamb chops for dinner.

1990 - Monday - 48° at 6AM - Beautiful day - cold. No Mass as Wes took Honda at 7:30 to shop. mileage 32,450 - back at 9. I did ironing, studied schedule for next June's flower show. Wes bought a new mailbox - old one hit by road cleaner & rusting out - cleaner not open for slacks. Transplanted a few perennials into more forward positions. Wes watered transplants on northeast slope and continued clearing that area. I went to Saw Bridge Nursery with Muriel & Louise on June 91 show. Watched "Civil War" at night on Channel 13 - marvelous.

1991 - Tuesday - 53° at 6AM. Fair day - clouds in late afternoon. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning. Wes worked on cliff path, edging it with stone on cliff side. After lunch I cut south grass - terrible shape - Wes cut up at planting beds. Edged perennial garden and Joe's garden - moved Japanese anemone forward. Brought up last of leaf chips from Wildgarden - used them in Garden Room

1992 - Thursday - 44° at 6:30 - clear - beautiful day - cold morning - sun warm. To Mass. I worked at Ballard. Took Boltonia there. Wes worked on Piper & well/shed path. We went to Herb Fair at John Jay House Katonah - had luncheon - admired herb garden. Home to cut grass - put compost in holes in perennial garden where had moved plants yesterday - Wes brought down sweet peas. Picked beans - may have frost. 

September 25

1988 - Sunday - 54° at 6:30 - cloudy - only a few drops of forecasted rain - cleared at night. To 8 o'clock Mass. Worked on deer fence at North line - replaced the chicken wire with heavy 6x6 farm fencing - 2 rows of it from post to post on tree - making 8 feet high - looks better. 
Phoned Joanie & Hooker - they are coming Friday evening October 7th. 

1989 - Monday - 41° at 6AM- Fog early but became beautiful - clouds late in day - rain predicted for tomorrow. To Mass. I shopped Waldbaums had copies made of Medicare forms on Espy payment & mailed them. Wes worked on deer fence South line pulled out of shape by Hugo winds - went to Wickes for Sackrete as hit ledge (naturally) when trying to put posts in. I transplanted the small geranium, cut up the Spider plant - put Cardinal flowers in individual pots - the propagated Lobelia.

1990 - Tuesday - 47° at 6AM - Dark - became a good day - mild. To Mass. Voted for Crehan for Probate judge. Wes worked on the top northeast slope. We broke up the agapanthus - a terrible job as rootbound. Gave a piece of it to Madeline Morrison in afternoon. I prepared for Garden Club meeting. Cut an autumn crocus for Par. Meeting was at Keeler Tavern - program on raptors. Home at 5pm - not in time to cut grass.

1991 - Wednesday - 60° at 7AM. Raining - Few chores - left at 10:30 - gasoline for car at Mobil, mailbox numbers and workgloves at Bedrents, squirrel corn gadget at Birds Nest for Joan & Hooker - lunch at “[[?]]” to Dr. Howaritz in Scarsdale, taken early - need to put Efferdex [[Efudex]] treatment on hands and face spots (skin cancer) to Eileen's - she gave me velvet jacket, slacks, aloe plant and clivia plants - Home at 4 o'clock -  4 inches rain in gauge.

1992 - Friday - 44° at 6AM. Pink clouds - cold, very windy, off and on sun. Tropical storm Danielle coming up coast in evening hours- 
To Mass. Did a wash. Put out open bottom bird feeder - Moved ground cover (phlox stolonifera) where big Clithia had been top of step garden - put it in Northeast slope - Wes put in stone barrier on step garden and we moved juniperus procumbens nana (from bend in walk to holding beds) into former Clithia spot - planted Kalmia Tiddlywinks into Juniper place - Wes to Dr. Rosenthal (foot) I bought Water Pik for Bit at CVS. Put heat on