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October 6

1988 - Thursday - at Tarrytown - Walked dogs after breakfast - to Phelps Memorial Hospital - saw Eileen - running a fever - on IV feeding - to Ridgefield - made up beds for guests - cleaned house - finished polishing brass - made chocolate cookies - made lists of guests for Saturday's luncheon. Anne Tracy also has pancreasitis - cancelled. Eileen to have cat scan tomorrow.

1989 - Friday - at Geneseo, N.Y. Left Inn about 9 AM - Batavia - Lockport - Youngstown - arrived at Holmdens about 11 AM. Beautiful farmland enroute. Went to fruit market with Joan - had lunch Bit & Kelly arrived for lunch - Bit had overnighted at Kelly's. To Niagara Falls - Visitor Information Center - beautiful gardens - movie of falls (3D). To Holmdens for dinner. We stayed at Portage Motel in Lewiston.
Fair day - cold.

1990 - Saturday - 52° at 7:45 - good to sleep late. Phoned Kelly - arranged for reservations at Geneseo Inn for Oct 23-24.
Wes worked all day clearing space along upper road and places to
move Corkybark from upper path left side where in Spring will put Dogwood. I did a wash - wrote Mrs. Cerf and David Huntoon (P & Z chairman) on children's play area extension Ballard Park - cut grass - moved Heuchera Palace Purple. We dug up 3 Christmas Ferns to take to Eileen tomorrow. Statue Liberty & Ellis Island closed because budget not passed. 

1991 - Sunday at Bit’s Lock Haven, beautiful day - morning clouds. To 9 o’clock Mass at St. Agnes’ Church -visited nursing home new hospital - beautiful open garden court. Read papers.  To Jersey shore Gamble House for brunch (dinner) at 12:30 -shopping at [[Fanners?]] market - stopped at nursery enroute Lock Haven - saw Eagle weathervane - Bit will negotiate purchase for our well house Betsy at Bit’s on return - will stay until Thursday. Presents and "ancient cake" - Joan's freezer. 

1992 - Tuesday - Beautiful day, cold morning warm sun. Joan & Hooker with us. Kelly came from Bleckwehl’s and we left at 8:30 for Eileens - Bit with Eileen. In 2 cars went to Wave Hills - beautiful fall flowers - lots of purple - grand views of Hudson & Palisades. Return to Eileen's for birthday celebration - Kelly's 65th birthday - home at 5 for soup supper.

October 7 

1988. Friday - 44 degrees at 6 AM. To Mass.
Shopped in morning  - Bit came about noon - lost her way, missing the Ridgebury turn at the High School - lunch. Dogs with us. 
Joan & Hooker arrived at five - had a pleasant family visit - Wes cooked steaks - started to rain. 
Had left placecards at Inn for 58 guests tomorrow's luncheon. (58 including us)

1989. Saturday - Overnight at Portage Motel, Lewiston 
To Holmdens for breakfast. To Lockport for a trip on Erie Barge Canal - through locks 34 & 35. Pam and two girls Jenni and Julie came for a picnic lunch - with champagne - provided by Joan & Hooker - Pam & girls couldn't stay for boat trip as it was running late. We returned to Holmdens for Birthday/anniversary dinner. Saw “The Russians are Coming" on TV. We (Eileen, Wes & Gug) returned to Portage Motel for the night. Very cold windy day. 

1990. Sunday - 60 degrees - Bright moon these nights. Beautiful warm day - in 80's. To 8 o'clock mass. 
To Eileen's at 10 - admired her garden. Mary came at noon and we had a happy anniversary celebration - good dinner - Miss Boo and Snow looked beautiful. Eileen gave us '”Miss Jekyll” myrtle and Mary Tanqueray gin. Home at 4:30 - phoned Bit for her birthday and Joan & Hooker for their anniversary - Both well. 

1991. Monday - leaving day from Lock Haven - Fair day - lots of moving clouds - some black. Left about 9:30 - had lunch enroute in the car as there was a very cold wind - reached home about 3:15. Eileen left for home - we had used her car. Unpacked sorted out all boxes - food, etc. Took a nap. Eileen and Bit phoned us - Bit on the Eagle Weathervane we saw in Lock Haven - We phoned Holmden’s they had rain enroute Youngstown - One inch rain

1992  - Wednesday - Beautiful day - cool morning warm in afternoon. Eileen & Bit here at 8 AM - Kelly also - left at 8:30 in two cars for Haddam - arrived early - Fall Color Boat Cruise on Connecticut River 11/2:30. Pleasant day - family enjoyed it Home at 4- Eileen Bit & Kelly left for their homes. Andy Vill came to put “Triumph” on grass against grubs. We had salad for supper.