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October 28

1988 - Friday - 33° at 6AM - Alex Ross' 80th Birthday - To Mass.  Clear morning + evening light rain mid-day + high wind blew lots of leaves down -
Prepared salads for party - to Taste of Paris for bread.  Maryellen Bake Shop for cake - lunch - nap - Wes in shop.  I finished making salads (huge amounts for 24 people) to Mary Luke's at 6 pm - unloaded - forgot salad dressing + returned for it - good party - all neighbors except Sobols but including Charles West, guest of McKeon's.  Home at 10:30pm

1989 - Saturday - 53° at 7AM - Foggy - became a beautiful warm day - 70°.  Incredible weather continues. 
Clean up after party - did glasses and rest of china - put back furniture - returned table and chairs to Rosses
Wes with Alex + Helen to Jack Stephenson's in Bethel for wake of Helen Stephenson - open casket at home - beautiful flowers - loads of people in house + walking around grounds 
We raked leaves in afternoon - tremendous amount of them - almost all down except beech.  Major TV Antenna Mr Hendrik here - will return Monday with new rotor box.

1990 - Sunday - 42° at 6AM Standard Time.  Fair early morning - to 8 o'clock Mass - became cloudy.
Moved leafchipper to well area - Wes chipped leaves there all morning.  I dug up small Dahlias and all annuals off South terrace wall - raked leaves there.  Rain, light at noon.  Sunny part of afternoon/cloudy
To Keeler Tavern Chamber Music Cremona Quartet, at 3 - home 5:15.  Wes cooked lamb chops - good.

1991 - Monday - 58° at 6:30.  Fair - no fog for first time in a week.  Good to have light at breakfast time.  Grass covered with oak leaves again - high wind - became cooler in afternoon.
Wes raked leaves on South side - all day.
I also raked leaves - cut down Royal Fern and Monkshood in Wild Garden - cut out stubs of small trees and shrubs there.  To PO for stamps - Penney's for robe + hot/scarf for Mary - Stop & Shop bananas 4 lbs $1.00 - home to rake leaves north grass.

1992 - Wednesday - 35° at 7AM.  Fair.  I had a 9AM appointment with Dr Santer - they made a mistake - she was in Norwalk - rescheduled for Nov. 18th.  To Muriel Pedersen's to pick up bulbs + sand - Home to learn Wes couldn't get leaf chipper started - great day - I had a permanent - Wes couldn't get new tires (Michelin) until afternoon. I planted wild tulip bulbs at garden room entrance
Raked some leaves - cut down more astilbe in shade garden.  Wes took out pumps from pools.

October 29

1988 - Saturday 35° at 7:30 AM.  Clear - beautiful fall day - cool and sunny.
To Mary Lukes to rearrange furniture - take glasses etc back to Celebrations - returned home via Route 7 to Marcus for milk.  After lunch raked leaves on South side - Wes used blower - Garden Room - paths and lawn looked neater at end.  Cut down Mace Astilbes and bleeding hearts - raked leaves near cardinal flowers in Bog.

1989 - Sunday - 50° at 6AM (Standard Time) - Foggy - became a beautiful warm day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Raked and blew more leaves.  I cut down more perennials.  After lunch + nap, to Grand Union for bananas and oatmeal - they have the large old fashioned gasoline for can and car - picked up American Artists Christmas Card book from Muriel Pedersen (Alex Ross' card) to Keeler Tavern for reception opening of Custodial Room - home to rake more leaves - I planted Narcissus Ice Follies at well Hosta garden - putting down the old Hostas first

1990 - Monday - 40° at 6AM - Fair but very windy and therefore cold.  To Mass.  Did a wash. 
To Nutmeg for lawnboy oil - Stop & Shop - gasoline for car ($1.699) and for can.  Wes raked leaves at well and after lunch chipped them - still more to chip.  I made oatmeal cookies - planted tulips at Triangle Bed and cut down perennials there - cold fingers 
Put Swingtime in crawlspace - put away small Dahlias

1991 - Tuesday - 39° at 6AM - Fair - cool - beautiful clear day - not as much wind.  To Mass.
I went to Louise McKeon's to help her trim her Rosemary ring - her right arm not useable since her accident
Wes raked leaves.  The leaf chipper was delivered by Young's but only worked a half hour when broke down so they picked it up again.  We raked and picked up huge amounts of leaves - grass finally looking a little better - watered the North Grass.

1992 - Thursday - 38° at 7AM - Cloudy.  To Mass.  Partly sunny day.  Young's sent a man to start leafchipper - Wes ran it all day - cleaned up the leaf pile at the shed.
Eileen came up at 10:15 - we went to Welton's Autumn Heritage Designer Showhouse - opposite Congregational church - the old parsonage - picked up my watch from Craig's - home - Eileen off about 3pm - I finished the ironing - did a little raking.  Wes moved leafchipper into garage.