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October 30 

1988 - Sunday 24° at 6 AM - Standard time again after early morning cloudiness -  cleared to a beautiful cold fall day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes did deck work - I raked front walk and path to shed. After lunch, Wes started leaf chipper (different) and did the big pile of leaves at the shed. I cut down day lily bed, raked North grass, raked leaves on well paths - made a big pile near fence. Wes hurt his hand when den table spring broke and caught his hand.

1989 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM - Very foggy - became beautiful mostly sunny, mild day - 74°. To Mass. 
Wright came (finally) to cut down tree over St. Francis downed in Hugo. Major Antenna installed new rotor box. Discovered former box had been plugged into outlet that was live only when the light switch was on. We raked and raked. Wes blew north section. Tremendous amount - I emptied big W77 pots - put trailing myrtle in upper holding bed. Grouse dog Quadrille spent most of day here - a funny pest.

1990 - Tuesday - 34° at 6 AM - Fair - Beautiful day cold morning but sun warm. To Mass. I worked at Ballard - last time - planted tulips - tied up rose-bushes - home for lunch. Wes had taken leaf chipper down to wild garden and chipped the big pile there - not finished by quitting time. I planted bulbs - all but the wild tulip collection - raked leaves in garden room and cut the grass.

1991 - Wednesday - 36° at 7AM - Fair beautiful day - not too windy until evening. Surprise - Young's delivered the leafchipper early without letting us know! Wes used it all day - had a good pile of leaf chips by 4:30. I went to Grand Union - don't carry Oldfashioned Oatmeal any more - too bad - to Colby's to order a Dinett shade for kitchen - will come tomorrow - to Dr Sauter, gynecologist, OK - will advise on Pap test. Home for lunch and raked leaves in afternoon - looking better every day.

1992 - Friday - 48° at 7 AM. Cloudy. To Mass. Cleared somewhat in afternoon - cloudy late in day. To S&S (very crowded) Waldbaums for Old Fashioned Oatmeal large box size after Barbara Sobol told us about it. Acorn for a spark plug for chipper - Marcus and bank. Put heater in garage & warmed up chipper motor - Wes started it and chipped a good many of the leaves in the wild garden. I cut north & south grass to remove leaves - cut down astilbe behind shade garden - we have too much! Will be glad to have election over - too many mean charges.

October 31

1988 - Monday - 28° at 7AM - Fair -beautiful fall day - cold but sunny. Wes' right hand very painful - wasn't able to do anything. No Mass account Eve of All Saints Day. I wrote to sisters. To bulb planting workshop at Ballard - potted Crocus, Hyacinths, Daffodils and tulips for Muriel Petersen (away in China) and me. Shopped & went to bank before returning home at 3:30. Only Joe Grouse as Halloween caller.

1989 - Tuesday - 60° at 6AM - Foggy - mist on roof. Rain at 11 - light and off and on - more in afternoon. No Mass as Eve of All Saints Day. I worked at Ballard until rain - last day - good crew. Wes blew leaves off moss and at upper area until rain prevented. 
Punkie Scott came at 3pm - Wes drilled a hole in board for her gatepost. 
I studied blouse pattern - prepared pattern pieces. No Halloween callers - rained heaving in evening.

1990 - Wednesday - 42° at 6:30 - beautiful day - maybe up to 60. Wes drove me to Purdy’s - just caught 8:54 train (went for the 9:19!) met Eileen at Grand Central - lunch at Grand Hyatt (waiters in Halloween costumes). Oyster Bar not open until 11:30). 1st Ave bus to Gracie Mansion Tour - beautiful house and setting in Carl Shultz Park - saw woman walking 8 dogs! Wes met me at Purdy’s at 5. He had chipped leaves all day - finished pile at wild garden. No Halloween callers!

1991 - Thursday - 50° at 6AM - cloudy - high winds damage along coast when storm came in from the east (former hurricane) no rain here, only mist. To Mass. Jim Chnouske of Colby's came to measure kitchen window - will take about 3 weeks. 
Wes took leaf chipper to wild garden area and reduced that pile by days end. I raked leaves but found it too windy. Waxed front door. Did a work wash - nail caught in spinner - I thought it was broken. No Halloween callers.

1992 - Saturday - 42° at 7AM. Cloudy - must have had a shower overnight. Planted Tulip & Narcissus for Preview of Spring show, also Pansy Imperial Pink Shades seeds. 
Wes started the chipper and did some of the leaf pile in the wild garden - couldn't restart it in afternoon so returned it to garage and raked leaves south side. I potted up Dutch Gardens forcing tulips. Cleaned garden room of leaves. Cold damp miserable day. No Halloween callers sadly. Closed gate at 5pm.