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November 9
1988 - Wednesday - 44° at 7 AM - Fair. Bush elected by 6/5 margin - Democrats hold both Houses. Weicker lost by close margin to Lieberman. We left about 9:15 to Rye - Sherwood off Lang St. - to meet Eileen there for a tour of Chieftans' - former Gimbel Estate. Boy was it decorated! Some wonderful furniture and outbuildings - Lunch there under a tent - good. Then to Shermens - bought greenery for bathroom window Home about 3pm - nap - Wes in shop. I picked up leaves around garden room - carried broken limb hanging over deer fence in bog to upper area.

1989 - Thursday - 51° at 6AM - Rain last night to continue - it did - most of day - 1 1/8 inches - no outdoor work. Wrote letters - made out contributions - made apple cake and bran muffins - cut out white cotton blouse. Wes cleaned his johnny and shop - then worked in shop - TR took were we had folded up

1990 - Friday - 29° at 6AM - Fair - Bird baths and Freddy pool iced - rhododendron shriveled first time over 40 in afternoon so good working day. To Mass. Stopped at Stop + Shop and mailed Walk Book of Ridgefield open space to Kelly. Wes worked on leave most of day - put hoses and watering cans in crawl space - water barrel under deck. [[Vee Grenier?]] washed windows - rain predicted tomorrow naturally - I raked leaves around house - cut down some perennials - put pine needles over Cornus canadensis. Tired but satisfied

1991 - Saturday - 32° at 7AM. Fair. Birds eating a lot of food and suet - Became cloudy - cold - damp. Wes couldn't get the leaf chipper started - need a strong young man unfortunately. I used the vacuum. washed kitchen floor. We raked the leave Wes had blown on cliff edge - carried then thru compost fence - cleaning cliff path to do so. Place is looking cleaner but there are loads of leaves - raked west slope and wild garden path again.

1992 - Monday - 32° at 7AM - Fair cold day but possible to work outside. Raked and carried leaves to chip piles. Wes started chipper and we finished the pile in the Wild Garden. Cleaned up garden room - leaves iced in pond. A few things at Stop + Shop - no rush after going to bank.

November 10
1988 - Thursday - 38° at 6AM - clear - would cloud up suddenly - then clear - so half and half day but not too cold although windy. To mass. I worked at Greenhouse in morning, stopping at bank enroute - we chipped leaves, cleaned up near shed, then raked more there. after lunch we both raked Piper area - Wes then blew that area - looked a lot better at end. Also blew perennial garden, but so windy there hard to clear. Barbara Ireland reelected State Rep.

1989 - Friday - 40° at 6AM. Fair - Caught one mouse in large drawer under stone. Caught another one after dinner. Beautiful morning - To mass. Cut down the daylily bed Wes had trouble starting the leaf chipper - went to Nutmeg for a new spark plug. got the machine going in afternoon and started the big pile at shed area. Clouded up and mist about 3pm - didn't have to stop work. I cut down the shade garden and area above dell - Raked leaves in dell.

1990 - Saturday - 48° at 7AM - Light rain - became heavy during day - floods on roads. House chores and crossword (hard) in morning. Left at noon for the Elephant, Somers, where we met Eileen and Carol and John Coggeshall for luncheon - very good meal - we were only ones in the restaurant except for a couple. Difficult driving enroute home - water on roads - Eileen said Rt 100 closed at Millwood. We napped - read papers. Soup for supper.

1991 - Sunday - 38° at 6:10 - cloudy - windy not an outdoor day. To 8 o'clock mass. Did house chores - I planted the marigold "Jaime" seeds that Muriel Pedersen had given me to do for Preview of spring show. Telephoned sisters. Enjoyed a martini at luncheon while doing the crossword.

1992 - Tuesday - 36° at 6:45 - Partly cloudy but a bit milder - high 48°. To mass. More raking and carrying leaves. Now have 2 big green pickup heavy plastics. Ice melted enough in Freddy's Pool to clean top of leaves. Cut down second Auburn Joy and the Baptisia Gas tank loose on chipper - repair shop closed today - so no chipping done. Started a leaf pile at well. Wes cut down the wild crab there.