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November 13 

1988 - Sunday 42° at 6:15 - Cloudy - rain about 9 am - heavy at times. 8/10 at 3 PM + ended. 
To 8 o' clock Mass. Wes did desk work, then in shop. I wrote Joan + Jule Lane. Made oatmeal pineapple muffins. Martini and a sandwich in front a fire. I planted all bulbs in forcing pots. We took a nice walk when it stated to clear at 4 PM. 

1989 - Monday 35° at 6 AM. Beautiful day. Sunny and breezy. To Mass. Prepared lunch for Alex Ross. Wrote for Christmas wreaths + tree - first demo for that. Wes built a bin at shed for leaf mulch. He picked up Alex at noon - we had lunch - a nap. to Ridgefield - the bank - Frances Cleaners ($45 for table cloth - what a shock) Stop + Shop - took Alex home - tried to fix their garage door - no luck - beautiful sunset - Waited for Helen who came home at 4:50. Alex very confused. 

1990 -  [[crossed-out]] Wednesday [[/crossed-out]] Tuesday. 30° at 6 AM, clear - high winds to continue - cold. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Greeenhouse in the morning. Wes chipped leaves at shed. After lunch we raked leaves - the piles blown against walls & fence - and carried them to the chipper - Wes finished the pile at shed. I put oak leaves and chips over propagated cardinal flowers and other plants at shed coldframe and upper holding bed.

1991 - Wednesday - 40° at 7:15 - Slept late - fair. Sun 6:40/4:40 - Over 25 Canada geese in pond. Became cloudy, damp - miserable - disappointing. We couldn't get the leaf chipper going. He went to Youngs to inquire about electric starter - will investigate and call next week. Bought birdfood - birds are eating a lot. Finished raking and cutting down steep garden behind shade garden - wall into wildgarden - almost finished by quitting time.

1992 - Friday - 52° at 7 AM - Clearing. Very strong winds in heavy rain over night. Big tree down across Judson driveway - loads of sticks for us. To Mass. Spent morning picking up sticks & branches lots of kindling - no damage. Wes to Dr James at 1 pm. Bloodpressure good - no need for pills. I went to bank. Grand Union for bananas and orange juice (Citrus Hall/Calcium) Jean Cook Travel re trip January - To Florida since New Mexico temp too cold. Home to rake sticks & leaves - beautiful afternoon. 

November 14

1988 - Monday - 42° at 7 AM. Clear - beautiful day - up to 60°. Did crossword quickly. Spent day on leaves. Wes used chipper in dell - almost finishing big pile there. I raked in that area, on cliff path and along road. Only time off properly was to go to bank. Placed looking neater although there lots of leaves under bushes, etc. Heard Don McKeon had a car accident - Joan Mannion had seen it car totaled - he is okay.

1989 - Tuesday. 13° at 6 AM - Beautiful morning - cloudy PM. To mass. Wes redid the coldframe - flatening the angle of the cover - put all but one of the cardinal flowers in there with Chithra and Variegated Hydrangea cuttings. I changed the Paper Pool area and step rock garden. To bank. Marcus used fabric shop for interfacing. We cleaned up the wall garden in afternoon.

1990 - Wednesday - 29° at 6 AM. Beautiful sunrise. Left house at 8:25 - bus from St Mary's lot at 9 to N. Y. C. Off at 50th + 7th at 10:30 - went thru Saks - met Eileen in St Patricks - walked to Lincoln Center - lunch enrote at Ceci's. Sat in sunshine until 2 pm. "Six Degrees of Separation" at Vivian Beaumont. Stockard Channing, John Cunningham (husband) Courtney Vance (Paul) - very good - 90 minute - bus to 45th + Broadway - went thru Marriott - had coffee + cookie - bus and - home at 4:40 - phone Eileen she reached home at 5:30. Milder in afternoon - wind lessening

1991 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Beautiful day. High 56°. To mass. I went to memorial service for Francine Scott's son (age 41 - died of cancer) to Vernon Trust to arrange for transfer of certificate of deposit to the checking account -  shopped for fruit jam at Step & Shop - home with lunch from the Cheese Shop.  Wes had talks with Youngs' on self starter for leaf clipper - got it started at 2 pm (see the sunshine) and clipped all leaves in wild garden. I raked leaves there.  Noticed deer tracks - ate the taxus.

1992 - Saturday - 32° at 7:15.Fair - beautiful day.  To Hazardous Waste Collection in Danbury, Route 6 very smoothly run - no lines - left all our old paints.  Rest of day worked on picking up leaves - Wes on wood knoll - I did the garden room - cut all grass to remove leaves - good to see it green.  Also cut on cliff and up at holding bed.