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November 15
1988 - Tuesday. 40 degrees at 6am. Beautiful sky - great day - almost 60 degrees and sunny. To Mass.
Spent day on leaves - Wes finished pile in dell and moved chipper to upper gate before lunch - did pile in dell area in afternoon. I spent almost all day on wall garden - also dug out gravel mixture along front wall under big stones to improve drainage over walk - to bank with Conn. Housing Bond  interest check.

1989 - Wednesday. 60 degrees at 7am. Light rain overnight. Saw a pileated on tree off Solar. Later saw evidence of deer. Can't see where it got in. Vargas entered also. Did crossword. Spent rest of day raking and picking up leaves. Wes put in new post on South side - increased height of another - put board across hole near front gate. He put fertilizer on lawn. I picked leaves from top moss[[?]] and cleaned rock area below there. Very damp warm day - no thunderstorms as far as forecast.

1990 - Thursday - 38 degrees at 6am - Beautiful sunrise at 6:30. Beautiful day. Mild - over 60 degrees in afternoon. To Mass. Cleaned house. To bank - deposited ten thousand check - recall of Conn. Housing Bond. Stop & Shop for salad and fruit for tomorrow's luncheon. Wes drained the pump system - emptied leaves from Paper Pool. I finally went outside at four. Cleaned Freddy Pool and raked leaves in dell.

1991 - Friday - 35 degrees at 6am. Mist most of day until evening. To Mass. Wes put heater on leaf chipper. Andy came to start it at 8:30. Wes worked all morning on pile inside upper gate - then it stopped. Wes didn't know why - brought it to garage - it started at 4pm - too late to do more. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse for 1 1/2 hrs. to bank - Stop & Shop. Cleaned up garden room. I've walked cliff fence line to see if deer is coming in there - no sign of breakdown.

1992 - Sunday - 32 degrees at 6:30. Fair. Ice on pool. Glad removed leave from it yesterday. Sunny cold day, not too much wind for leaf raking. To 8 oclock Mass. After phoning Biz[[?]] and Joan and Mary. Wes started the chipper and we did the leaf pile at the well until the chipper stopped - pile not finished - and couldn't restart the machine after Wes cooked lamb chops for lunch - so raked leaves [[?]] - loads of them. I started cleanup of wall garden.

November 16

1988 - Wednesday - 36° at 7 AM. Cloudy - mist after 3 pm.
New cap put on front chimney - copper. Crew came at 9:30, finished by 11:30. Wes had raked leaves in well area - I joined him for a time. Then we left for a dry run to Clyde's Restaurant New Melford, where Vargas 40th Anniversary Dinner will be held Nov. 26. Had lunch there, then shopped Waldbaums - no Water Piks at Caldors. Home for a nap. Shopped Waldbaums - he no water Piks al Caldors. Home for a nap. Sleep hours & T cutting.

1989 Thursday - 60° at 6AM. House heat is 70°. High winds and rain. 1 1/4 inches in all - extremely strong wind gusts. tornado watch. Seven children tallied in collapse of school near Newburg. Huntsville Alabama had great loss in a tornado.  House chores. Wes in shop. At 2:30 rained stopped - we went to Post Office bank and Waldbaums. Then picked up loads of sticks and branches

1990 Friday -46° at 6:30. Fair - mild. To mass. Prepared house and lunch - half - as Jeanne Timpanelli bringing soup. Guest came at noon. Millicent Sattles (Mark at his mother's) Helen Ross - Jeanne and Al Timpanelli - pleasant day - they left at 3:30. We had a nap then cleaned up.

1991 - Saturday 52° at 7AM - Cloudy - chased a deer - saw her near compost - she ran first to Jackson line - didn't jump fence there - then ran to northwest corner and out to the road, unfortunately we didn't see where she went thru or over the fence. To strips with [[Rogardour ??]] waste. 1st too long a line - second closed (early) to nutmeg for air filters for leaf chipper. [[Seekers ??]] for bolts - plastic - no top that would fit big gas can so bought plastic one. Chipper started late PM & Wes finished leaf pile upper gate

1992 - Monday - 32° at 7AM - Fair cold day - outdoor work day. Youngs' shop not open Monday so chipper didn't get repaired. We raked  & carried leaves instead. I cut off [[Epsemedium ??]] at north side of shed/well path - then raked leave. Wes worked on [[Moodlcuall ??]] had all leaf piles picked up by days end. He put those leaves on pile at shed for chipping. We opened (cut)  wire on cliff and I threw down the cliff all leaves I raked. Vargas having new tar roof put on