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November 17

1988 - Thursday - 58° at 7AM.  Raining.  Breakfast after Mass - Rain until about 1 pm - 1 1/2 inches in all.  Shop in AM - ironed - washed floor, then put Stonyl on other half - washed car.  Out in afternoon to clean up rhododendron bed and right side of garden entrance - looked neater from inside. 

1989 - Friday - 36° at 6AM.  Clear.  Sun 6:45-4:35.  Beautiful day - sunny - breezy - very cold.  
To Mass.  House chores - Wes had shop time.  I went to bank - transferred money from checking to Investment Certificate - 364 days at 8.15% - left watch at Craigs - had refill put in this pen.  After lunch Wes raked North Slope.  I cleaned Garden Room - took leaves from pool - planted 3 gift Amaryllis bulbs.  Wes put wire on upper gate and nailed in board near front gate - against deer.

1990 - Saturday - 50° at 7AM.  Cloudy - light rain in afternoon.  Did a workwash - the crossword.  Wes went to bank and bought a spark plug for the chipper.  I made lamb stew.  Out for only an hour - cut the rest of perennials in the shade garden.  Grass covered with leaves again.  Wes worked in shop in the early afternoon - I made oatmeal cookies and bran muffins

1991 - Sunday 32° at 6:15 - Fair - cold, windy not an outdoor day.  To 8 o'clock Mass
Louisiana voted Edwards/Duke - fortunately Edwards won. 
Wes paid bills - made contributions - I waxed and cleaned Kitchen window over sink - shade comes tomorrow.  We taped a heavy plastic cover over living room fireplace to overcome drafts.  Took out fencing and posts from crawlspace - inspected deer fence - cant see a break where deer got in - will wire wooden rails & upper gate

1992 - Tuesday 34° at 6:45 - Cloudy - snow predicted.  To Mass.  Report at Mass was we had a flurry at 5AM - no sign here.  I went to Stop & Shop (- road over new bridge at Backus now open) - crowded.  Wes waited for Youngs to pick up chipper for repair - came at noon - we sent the Lawnboy for tune-up service. 
Worked up and down the road - put all leaves into low area at Judson line - upper leaves in woods near houses. Looks neater.  Not bad working weather cloudy & a damp but not cold.

November 18

1988 - Friday - 36° at 6AM - Fair - cold sunny day.  To Mass.  Did a wash.  Wes in shop.  Out to make a coldframe for propagated cardinal flowers and other small plants on the North Hill.  Wes took down small oak tree there over the planting beds.  Raked leaves on path - half of north slope and all of azalea garden - getting big piles again inside upper gate and at shed. 

1989 - Saturday - 32° at 7AM.  Fair.  Pool and birdbaths frozen - glad I removed leaves from pool yesterday.  Cloudy morning - indoor work - Wes in shop - I started the white cotton blouse - cleared in afternoon - very cold & breezy.  The leaf chipper was returned by Youngs and Wes chipped more of the huge pile at the shed.  I cut down the Hosta bed along the Viburnum path and raked leaves and sticks that area.

1990 - Sunday - 32° at 6AM.  Clear - windy.  To 8 o'clock Mass. 
Spent most of day outdoors - cleaned up behind shade gardens - and down into wild garden.  Cleaned up perennial garden.  Wind cold and we almost quit several time but finished the job. 
Phoned girls - learned Carolyn Blackwehl lost her job - so has Tag English - bad times coming.

1991 - Monday - 29° at 6:15 - Fair - Beautiful day over 50° in afternoon.  Wes went to Weekes for board to close up back of kitchen plant stand.  I painted the inside white.  Colby's installed shade over kitchen sink window - we're going to like it, especially at night.  
Wes chipped leaves at upper road gate - the ones he had raked into rows.  I carried them to chipper - put the wet ones up the road.  Cut North grass to remove leaves.  Terry Waite and Thomas Sutherland, hostages, released.

1992 - Wednesday - 38° at 7AM - Cloudy.  Crew back again to work on Varga's roof.  Gloomy damp day.  Wes raked leaves in Piper area.  I had an appointment with Dr. Santer, gynecologist - good.  Pap test results to come - looked for suet at Stop & Shop - Hey Day (bought sauerkraut $2.89 a jar!) Grand Union - no suet.  To Jeanne book travel - paid $236 for Wes' United ticket June 26th - made arrangements for staying on Sanibel - The Sun Dial - Home to join Wes raking leaves - cleaned step rock garden.