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November 27

1988 - Sunday - 49° at 6AM - Foggy - misty rain about 11 AM. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector. We took in the grill - put the wood rain barrell under the deck - Wes ran the chipper and we cleaned out leaves under azaleas and Laurel on wood knoll. All that before rain drove us in - Martini - long nap. Read papers - Wes in shop. I worked on asset figures - estimated income - to give Prudential Bache. Last of "Perfect Spy" at 9pm. Glad it's over. 

1989 - Monday - 33° at 6AM - Mostly clear - sunny morning - more clouds and damp in pm. To Mass. To Mall - bought anniversary card for Vargas - couldn't find stationery or snapshot folders. To Marcus. Lifted ice from Freddy Frog Pool to get rid of leaves. Noticed deer tracks outside gate - Junipers nipped - we close gate when leaving. Red bellied woodpecker coming to suet. Took Lawnboy (the Pusher) to Nutmeg for servicing - to Pepperidge Shops for bread & Campbell soup.

1990 - Tuesday, 34° at 6AM - Cloudy - dreary damp day. To Mass. I picked up Helen Ross at 9:10 and went to Aldrich for Garden Club meeting. Talk by Alice [[Ireys?]] on Plant Combinations - not many combinations - lots of Box & Ilex samples. Lunch at Lillian Willis' following. Wes worked in shop - raked leaves on North side - took a walk. I came home at 3 - took a nap. typed copy of vest pattern requested by Carol Stoddard - To Lector’s Workshop at 7:30.

1991 - Wednesday - 22° at 7AM. Fair. Birds dived into suet as soon as I put it out. Sun 6:56 - 4:30 bold beautiful day. Made turnip/mashed potatoes - creamed onion - cooked giblets - made stuffing and pumpkin pie. Took a walk to Allen's corner in the sunshine - 20 minutes - did crossword - cleaned the livingroom - set the table.

November 28

1988 - Monday - 58° at 7AM & Raining. It was good to sleep in. Thunderstorm last midnight. 1 1/2 inches rain at 7:30 AM.
To town - card shop - Stop & Shop - Youngs for oil.
Took netting from Frog pool - broke one of the big flower pots doing it.
Wes in shop most of day. I knitted - caught up on papers.

1989 - Tuesday - 49° at 6AM - Rain - light - in morning - cleared in afternoon. To Mass. I went to Garden Club meeting in Ballard Theatre - shopped Squash's for stationery for Bit's Christmas - Stop & Shop for groceries 
After lunch we took a walk to top of first hill on Ned Mountain Road - Wes studied machinery catalogs. I finished all but buttonholes & buttons on white cotton shirt.

1990 - Wednesday - 50° at 7AM - Fair morning. cluded up very suddenly at noon - light rain & fog in afternoon.
Wes couldn't start the leaf blower. I raked leaves in back of garden room - loads under bushes & hemlock. Took 1 1/2 mile walk at noon. To Youngs to leave Leaf Blower - bought Jane Brody's book for Eileen's Christmas - oatmeal at Grand Union.

1991 - Thanksgiving Day - 35° at 7AM. Saw a doe on cliff outside kitchen - she went past the shed - fell bumping into the fence - went out underneath the fence.
Prepared for Eileen & Mary here at 11:45 with two beautiful dogs (to groomer Mike yesterday) Good visit - although Eileen wasn't feeling well - they left at 3:45. We took a nap and then cleaned up.
I'm getting a cold - Wes feels better - had a nice fire going in livingroom.

1992 - Saturday - 35° at 7AM. Cloudy - off and on sun - not bad. House chores.
Cleaned off driveway apron - a lot of leaves & debris came down in the rain. Picked up some leaves outside fence. Wes lifted (cut off limbs) of beech outside middle gate - it was hitting fence and oak. I picked leaves out of azaleas on wood knoll - trimmed out some suckers. Cleaned North grass of leaves by raking and hand picking.