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Pearl Harbor Day

December 7

1988 - Wednesday - 37° at 7 AM - Fair - milder - could work without gloves in afternoon.

To Macy's - bought pair of grey slacks for Wes - to Stecks for evergreen sprays. (4.95 each for a small spray!) Booklet for a wool scarf for Mary and Christmas cards - bank, Bethel - home for lunch & nap. Wes went to Jessups for manure. Not in good condition. to Melinda for two barrels of theirs - good stuff. put it on vegetable bed - dug it in - I cut off epimedium. picked up leaves in evergreens on front bank. Good day -

1989 - Thursday - 28° at 7AM - No early mass as Eve of Feast Day. Partly cloudy - forecast is for cold + windy, Sun out in afternoon - not bad, but cold + windy Almost missed TR as spent too much time on crossword. To Reclamation - onto Keeler Tavern for lunch - Helen & Alex Ross joined - Alex in poor condition mentally. After we shopped for stationery for Bet's Christmas - flash - light and electronic (battery) lantern for emergencies - photo holders for Youngstown, group pictures - home - nap - papers

1990 - Friday - 31° at 7 AM- Cloudy. No mass in morning. having one in evening for Feast of Im. Conception. Became sunny in morning. Cloudy again in PM. Did crossword. Wes dropped me off at Keeler Tavern for 11 o'clock luncheon with Helen Ross - bought toy for Chelsea Blackwell - Wes went to Recycling - liquor and Youngs to inquire re blower - waiting for part. Helen gave me ride home. Wes continued chopping leaves at shed - finished the pile there. I cleaned up shed area of leaves - put chips & salt hay around some plants.

1991 - Saturday - 28° at 4:30 - Cloudy - Fifteenth Anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day - Many ceremonies - Did the crossword - hard. Wes cleaned shop & Johnny. I made leek and potato soup. Cooked pears. Put wire around three Arborvitae off corner of garage/shop. Also spread wire on the Juniper outside fence. Kelly left from Blackwell's for her home.

1992 - Monday - 32° at 7AM. Partly cloudy. Sun 7:07-4:28. Clear. Cold day. My fingers is less painful. Did crossword. To S&S - Marcus - bank - mall to buy Godiva chocolates for the Sobols - lunch. Left chocolate at Sobols. Wes to Squash to put in an ad for shop equipment. I had bankbook updated at Ridgefield Bank - put proceeds of cancelled Tax Exempt Trust 62 - Conn. in Union Trust - will study how to reinvest that. Home to write 20 Christmas cards. Channel 13 / QXR concert 150th Anniv N.Y. Philaharmonic

[[top margin]] Feast of Immaculate Conception [[/top margin]]

December 8

1988 - Thursday - 37° at 7:15 - Partly cloudy - good to sleep late Gorbecker leaving today - early - because of Armenian earthquake. To bank. Marcus and Waldbaum. To 12 Noon mass - to Post Office for Christmas stamps. After lunch & nap - brought down wire from holding bed area for front juniper but decided to close in with burlap the dwarf pine there - took all the time. Cold but sunny.

1989 - Friday - 20° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Light snow predicted for afternoon. Sun (none) 7:08-4:28. 
To Bank - Marcus - PO for Christmas stamps - Route 7 to Ridgefield Hardware to pick up lantern cover - Caldor for gold tinsel - home - to Mass at 12 - Martini for the gloomy dark cold day - soup - nap - I hung the wreaths over front door - put leaf chips on Anemone - salad leaves at wall garden - ground very hard - made David's cookie. Did crossword - worked on Sunday's - very hard.

1990 - Saturday - 38° at 7 AM. Cloudy - sun out in mid-afternoon. Started writing Christmas cards. One received from Helen Hanley Lambert said Ceil Hanley died last April. To bank, Marcus. PO for Christmas stamps. Twelve noon Mass. Put stakes around arborvitae but darkness came before could wire them against snow breakage. Took one chain off the front of garden room. Took Cape Cod wind chime from chestnut tree - striker broken off.

1991 - Sunday - 40° at 6:15. Beautiful sky in East but became cloudy and damp about 2 PM.

To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes did contributions. I finished making leek & potato soup. Early martini and lunch as went to Town Hall to see exhibit of World War II mementoes. Jeanne Timpanelli in charge. 

Phoned girls - Bet phoned us as she was out when we called - all well. Temperature rose to 50°.

1992 - Tuesday. 25° at 7 AM - clear - Sun 7:08 - 4:28
Very cold sunny day. beautiful winter weather. Slept in as Mass at noon - good.

Rearranged chairs in living room - vacuumed. 

To P.O. for Christmas stamps - to Barnes & Noble for Random House Dictionary - revised - to discover Booklet price was $10.00 less even after B&N discount, so drove to Bethel for it. Home to write 10 more Christmas cards. Cut a piece from Christmas tree trunk. Spilled water from pail all over garage floor - good cleanup.