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December 9

1988 - Friday - 28° at 6:45 - cloudy - cleared in late afternoon - felt like snow - cold & damp To Mass. Couldn't finish crossword - first time in ages. 
To Altman's to look for pleated black skirt - no luck. Bought sandwiches at the deli and had lunch with Eileen. She had bread and poinsettias for us. Home via Ridgefield bank - Youngs for birdfood and shop at liquor. Nap - wrapped bread - read & knitted

1989 - Saturday - 15° at 7AM - no snow - sun coming out - beautiful day - cold, no wind - sunny. Mailed box of stationery to Bit - bank deposit - to new Danbury mall at Kenosea/Backus Avenue. Passport Foods - bought tin of Irish cookies for Rosses - Hermans for a down jacket for Wes - Home - Took a mile walk - Lunch - nap - moved suet holder to wire closer to [[?]] - squirrel got on tube feeder - didn't see him do it but think jumped from tree - 2 Raccoons at 3 o'clock didn't want to be chased.

1990 - Sunday - 34° at 6AM - Fair beautiful day in the 40's. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wrote more Christmas cards. To The Inn for luncheon - our guests were Billie Newell, Jane Jessup - We used our prize of two brunches from the church raffle.  Home at 3pm. Nap. Then put wire around the Arborvitae to hold them upright against snow.

1991 - Monday - 50° at 7AM.  Cloudy - Soviet Union breaking up - Russia - Ukraine - Bylerussia forming new union. Don't know what will happen to Gorbachov. Did a wash - ironed - started cleaning bathroom tile floor.  
Did crossword. Went to Dr. James at 11, blood pressure higher so new pills for 3 weeks (then return) prostate enlarged so suggests neurologist [[urologist]] - Wes will switch from Dr. Puchner. We ate lunch Plain Jane's Bethel, bought Christmas Cards at Booklet - Christmas stamps - board to cover linen closet hole - home for nap - I transplanted 8 Marigold "Jane" - ran out of soil.

1992 - Wednesday - 20° at 7AM - Clear, Sun 7:09-4:28 
US Forces arrived in Somalia to aid the starving. 
Beautiful cold winter day - windy. Wrote few more Christmas cards before going to Keeler Tavern for lunch with Al Tempanelli & Bruce Sobol - Home for a nap - then wrote more cards. Watched total eclipse of moon in evening - good view kitchen door over the pond.

December 10

1988 - Saturday - 23° at 7:15 - Sun hitting the breakfast table at 7:45 - cold day - cloudy in afternoon. Wrote 65 Christmas cards. Out only for the mail and to hang the wreath which UPS delivered yesterday.

1989 - Sunday - 20° at 6AM - Dark! Some clearing in afternoon - cold. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector 
Started writing Christmas Cards - did 36 during day. Wes cooked lamb chops for dinner at noon. Nap. Picked up the Rosses and drove to St. Gregory Church Great Plain Rd, Danbury, to hear Father Brown talk on infancy narratives only to learn we were a week early. Our Bulletin was wrong. Enjoyed the drive

1990 - Monday - 41° at 7:25 - slept late. Partly sunny/cloudy - to be windy - it was, but mostly sunny. To Dr Yanity at 10 o'clock - both had teeth cleaned only. Glad. Wes bought reflectors for wire outside fence below mailbox - we bought bananas at Stop & Shop. Took a walk - Lunch - Wrote more Christmas cards - almost finished - about 70 in all. I made leek & potato soup and zucchini soup.

1991 - Tuesday - 42° at 6:15 - Beautiful day - temperature on mild side. To Mass. I went to bank (Texaco dividend) Marcus and Macy's - Reebok's on sale and Babar for Chelsea. To Keeler Tavern luncheon - 12:45 setting - Billie Newell, Helen Ross and Punkie Scott. Home to help Wes put wire on wooden fence along road against deer - don't know where she or they get in - raised upper gate also.

1992 - Thursday - 20° at 6:45 - Cloudy. Sun 7:09-4:28 To Mass. [[Strikethrough ]] To Mass. [[/Strikethrough ] To Dr. Yanity at 11 - both cleaning only - to S&S for bananas as storm predicted - left Christmas cards at Postoffice - left old Random House Dictionary & Peterson bird book at Thrift Shop - to Anessi Tailor for fitting on red coat - home for lunch & nap. Light snow in afternoon - wrote Christmas cards - finished them - phoned Coggeshalls to ask how they were - stayed in Maine thru Sept. as septic system failed & difficulties getting it replaced.