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December 29

1988 - Thursday - 30° at 6AM - Sun 7:20-4:37 - not a bad day - mostly sunny - not too windy. To Mass.
To Needles - bought blue wool for vest - Wes picked up snapshots - half good - exposure poor on others - to bank for cash. After lunch Wes worked in shop. I went to fabric shop near Marcus and bought blue crepe for a dress.
To Stoddards at 6:30 - they gave a birthday party for Helen Ross (80) Home at 10:30. 

1989 - Friday - T R Day account Christmas Holiday.
22° at 7AM. Cloudy. Sun 720-436. Some snow overnight - brushed it off walks. To Marcus for milk - skimmed milk is $2.33 gallon - buttons at Fabric Tree - on to Ridgefield to have Castle Texaco look for noise in wheels but noise stopped enroute! Home for lunch - light snow started - did some ironing and sewing. 

1990 - Saturday. 34° at 7AM. Thick fog - Sun 720-436 Thick fog all morning - lifted a bit at noon.
Couldnt finish the crossword - too many names. 
To Liquor Store to buy before tax goes into effect Jan. 1st - also bought Veuve Cliquot Champagne to take to Eileen for New Years - bananas and veggies at Stop & Shop. 
Cleaned off deck - Wes raked turnaround. He worked in shop. I studied blouse patterns.

1991 - Sunday - 35° at 6AM - Dark. Radio has another station edging in - moved aerial - not much help. 
Cleared later - funny. To 8 o'clock Mass. Painted inside bottom of linen closet - new cover over hole needs second coat. Picked up Millicent Sattler at 12:20 and on to Jeanne & Al Tempanelli's for luncheon. Very pleasant. home at 3:30. Put the second coat on board in linen closet before a nap and was able to put shelves and all articles back in there before bedtime. Watched 1st episode "Parnell & the Englishwoman" Channel 13.

1992 - Tuesday - 38° at 6AM. Dark! Sun 720-437
Very foggy - to Honda for service at 7:20 - mileage 49,800+
Did most of crossword there. We went to Stu Leonard's afterwards - Beautiful veggies etc but no pumpernickel raisin bread - to bank & Marcus - had to throw out milk yesterday - poor taste  - new bottle ok.
Wes sorted tools in shop - I did work wash - ironed - set up new desk calendars - one was missing the October page! Bit traveling home from Betsy's today. Took a walk to H215NMR before lunch

December 30

1988 - Friday - 22° at 6AM - Sun 7:20 - 4:37
To Mass. Cold clear day
I picked up wool vest pattern left at "Needles" yesterday 
Bought gasoline (Texaco Credit Card expires tomorrow - no replacement yet) Wes took his locomotive wheels to Danbury shop only to find it closed. Took a mile walk after lunch - Rewrote Stock Book Sheets. Enjoyed a quiet, relaxing evening for a change.

1989 - Saturday - 22° at 7AM - Snowing lightly - about 2 to 3 inches - at least 3, maybe more. Sun 720-437
Raked and shoveled and pushed snow - took all morning - plow didn't come until noon - so had to clear entrance to driveway in afternoon.
Fed birds - there went the day.
Sewed buttonholes in wool dress.

1990 - Sunday - 44° at 6AM - Raining. Sun 720-437 - home today. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Thick fog all day - and mist. No walk, but Wes spread out snow on driveway.
Quiet day. Wes in shop. I cut out white cotton blouse - combining two patterns. 
Phoned sisters - all well - Bitsy left Bethe for home - they had been in Florida for Christmas.

1991 - Monday. 35° at 7AM - Light snow Sun - maybe this afternoon 7:20/4:37 - Cleared at noon. Cold but good day. Checked Saturday's crossword - we had it all right - what a surprise! Did today's 
I went to St Stephens at 10:30 for Madeline Morrison's funeral ceremony - lovely service - to Stop & Shop Ridgefield for Lasagna supplies. Lunch - nap. Went to Dr. James for Wes' three o'clock appointment - blood pressure good but keep on pill - come back 2 months. 
(ISOPTIN SR 180 mg)

1992 - Wednesday, 44° at 7AM. Fog. Clouds
Sun 7:20 - 4:37. Rain mid-morning - started when we were in S&S.
To Mall for a haircut - to Ridgefield to pick up refill of pocket diary (now can't find diary) to Anessi Tailor - he wasn't there, after making the appointment! Back to S&S to fill Wes' eyedrop prescription. Home for lunch - rain prevented walking. Did a wash. Wes continuing separating shop tools.