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uncertainties in regard to dates of publications & placing all the available information for the first time in the hands of students.

Dall (William Healey) The Phylogeny of the Docoglossa. [Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1893, pp. 285-287, Sept. 1893.]
This paper discusses the origin of the true Limpets & refutes sundry errors of Thule in the Gebiss der Schnecken.

Dall (William Healey) A Subtropical Miocene fauna in Arctic Siberia. [Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. XVI, No. 946, pp. 471-478, pl. 7VI. Sept. 1893.]
This paper describes the fossils collected at Coal Bay, Penjiuski Gulf, Okhotsk Sea, by the Ringgold & Rodgers Exploring Expedition in 1855. Semele Stimpsoni