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Siphonaria penjinae, Conus okhotensis, Cerithium cymatophorum, and Diloma ruderata are described as new. The change of climate in this region since Miocene time is discussed. 

Dall (William Healey) Land shells of the genus Bulimulus in Lower California with descriptions of several new species.
[Proc. U.S.Nat.Mus. XVI, No 958, pp 639-647. pl. 7xxi-7xxii. Nov. 1893.]

The distribution of the group is discussed & it is shown that several of the species extend to the mainland. Bulimulus (Scutalus) Baileyi, Bulimulus (Leptobyrsus) zeledoui  & B(L.) veseyianus are described as new & figures are given showing the internal structure of several of the other species.

Dall (William Healey) Monograph of

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dots above Ts in plate numbers แนช