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Museum collection, the author is enabled to correct certain errors in the Challenger Monograph of Spirula by Huxley and Relseneer, and to show the probability that this animal though able to swim is generally sessile in deep water on stones or other solid objects. 

William Healey Dall, the socalled Jeannette relics, [[strikethrough]] By (The [[/strikethrough]] National Geographic Magazine, [[strikethrough]] vol. [[/strikethrough]] VII, No. 3, [[strikethrough]] pp. 93-98 [[/strikethrough]] March, 1896.) pp. 93-98.

In this paper the authenticity of the so-called Jeannette relics, found, off the coast of Greenland in 1884, is questioned and discussed, together with their bearing on Nansen's polar explorations.

William Healey Dall, The Russo-American Telegraph project of 1864-67. [[strikethrough]] By (The [[/strikethrough]] National Geographic Magazine, [[strikethrough]] vol. [[/strikethrough]] VII, No. 3, March, 1896. pp. 110-111

This is a brief account of the chief facts connected with the Expedition referred to.

By William Healey Dall, [Review of] Geological Biology by Henry S. Williams; [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] Science (N [[strikethrough]] ew [[/strikethrough]] S) [[strikethrough]] eries, vol. iii [[/strikethrough]] No. 64, [[strikethrough]] pp. 445-449 [[/strikethrough]] March 20, 1896 [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]], pp. 445-447.

A review of the work in question, illustrating its scope and character.

William Healey Dall, Geographical Notes in Alaska, [[strikethrough]] by [[/strikethrough]] (Bull. Am. Geographical Soc [[strikethrough]] iety, vol. [[/strikethrough]] XXVIII, No. 1, [[strikethrough]] pp. 1-20 [[/strikethrough]] March, 1896. [[strikethrough]] ) [[/strikethrough]] pp. 1-20.

Summary of geographic notes made during the summer of 1895, together, with cartographic data on the Aleutian region and some anthropological notes on native map drawing.