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to Burry [[Bury]] the Rats. I expect from the Looks of these rats they could carry away 15 to 20 lbs if they took a notion to.  So you 
were in a dither ha!ha!  What you all trying to give me ha!ha!  a line of Southern talk. ha!ha!  Glad to see that you've interest in music & Hope you the best of Luck with it. I took 64 lessons which was 64 weeks on a Hawaiian Gitutiar [[Guitar]]. But so far at present I'm no player at it. Bless mi Sole I could ever tune the Darned thing after 64 lessons  ha!ha!  I was only kidding about snow storms ha!ha!  Well we have a few women 
nurses on this desert Island  ha!ha! red cross workers. But Don't get the wrong slant  ha!ha! They are only social with officers. I'm happy to anounce [[announce]] to you that I am engaged to the most Beautiful