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can put one under the weather I'm telling you. and now doubt you can tell from this most scratchy scribbling ha! ha! I've been reading up on the new type of future plane called the "Squirt plane" so far it will fly 400 miles per hr. at 30 thousand feet just as [[strikethrough]] exact [[/strikethrough]] exhuast [[exhaust]] gases of some sort so propelers [[propellers]] at all may be you too have read about it in the readers digest. also a few good Joke about Hitler & Goering & Englanders too. as a matter fact theres Joke about all nations in this World ha! ha! Well Kid-o-Kid Its time my gas ran out of fumes. ha! ha! in short out of my gas tank ha! ha!  P.S. Lots of Luck in next years school. By By 

Pal & Friend as ever, your Friend, 
Bobbie S.